Ale= has she ever sleep over at one of you guys houses?" Ale asked taking my attention.

Alv= yeah and it didn't go right, so mmm she was gonna sleep in my room while I was gonna sleep with roshuan but at night she got scare and fall asleep next to Roshuan so I slept in my room and left them in Roshuan's room and-"

K=you had sex with Evelyn?" I ask Roshuan cutting off Alvaro.

Rs=no what the fuck, and the next morning, we wake up to yelling, so her mom was yelling cause apparently Evelyn sleeps in underwear and she takes off her shorts when she was sleeping, she is like some type of sleepwalking people,( I actually do that) and her mom thought we had sex, so she told her dad and Evelyn couldn't sleepover at our house for 3 months" Roshuan said while me and the boys listen to him.

M=okey thats kind of hot, what if she sucks your dick while she is sleeping, is she even Virgen, I mean I don't have a problem with that" I roll my eyes and Mattia laughed.

Rs=no she is not, and she is not gonna suck your dick, she doesn't like small dicks" Roshuan said and we all laugh even Mattia.

Ale=how would you know? don't worry Kairi there are girls who like small dicks" ale said rubbing my shoulder, I gave him the finger and laugh with him.

Alv=her phone is a dick gallery, she has like 80 dick in her phone, she even has her own album about dicks" Alvaro said and we look at him like a weirdo.

Rs= how would you know, she never lets me go through her phone"

Alv= I when through it, the time She had to make food, her phone was on the bathroom" Alvaro said with a smirk.

R=I heard she is talking to someone, she show me some picture on first period after kairi rudely told Evelyn to shut the fuck up" Robert said while rolling his eyes.

We keep talking until the bell ring we all took separate ways to our class

Later the day.....

K=is she gonna come?" I ask for the third time.

Rs=lets go to her house" Roshuan said I nod smiling while the others groan.

We got in Roshuan's car and he drove to Evelyn house, we only saw her car so we get out of the car and Roshuan nock.

???=thank god you came for her, she won't shut up with the boy, upstairs the second room"  a tall ass boy said when he open the door and saw roshuan, he looked scary.

We walk in and he give us a death stare, in the living room I saw another boy he looked big too, what the fuck why are they so fucking tall.

We walked upstairs to the second room and hear Evelyn talking.

Rs= lets wait a little" roshuan whisper and we nod.

E= I have his too" Evelyn said and we hear someone else laugh.

R=what the fuck is that?" Robert it was Robert ugh.

E=ewww that's the ugliest dick I have ever see in my life" Evelyn said and they both laugh but stop when something fell making a loud sound.

That's when roshuan open the door, we all walk in and saw Robert on top of Evelyn on her bed, Evelyn was on her stomach, and Robert was sitting on her back while Evelyn was in her phone and Robert was looking at her phone too.

E=what are you guys doing here?" Evelyn asked while getting up making Robert fall all the way to the floor.

E=oh god sorry baby" Evelyn said trying to hold her laugh, and help Robert get up.

M=baby?" Mattia repeat.

E=what about it?" She asks while palming the side of her bed, and ale sat next to her.

Ale=you call Robert baby?" Ale ask again to Evelyn and she nod.

E=yes, i call everyone baby why?" She ask innocently smiling, being adorable like always.

E=what?" Evelyn ask me, I blush in embarrassment did I just said the aloud.

The boys start making fun of me while I just look around, then Evelyn grab my hand and sit me where she was sitting.

E=stop laughing, what are we gonna do?" She ask.

Rs=pack your stuff we are having a sleep over at alvaros" roshuan said and her smile dropped.

E=don't say that aloud?" She whisper yell while looking at the door.

Alv= stupid, we are gonna go to the movies then your gonna come back to your house" alvaro said while I was just so fucking confuse.

E=yeah, Robert just do what i told you, then you can suck her dick" Evelyn said and he pinched her stomach, she whimper while putting her hands on the air.

R=color?" Robert said me we all look at him confuse

E=green,17, my dick" Evelyn struggle to say and Robert let go of her stomach.

E=uh fuck Robert, that hurt me a lot" she whimper and Robert laugh.

Rs=what do you think your doing, that is just mine and Evelyn's game" roshuan said while pulling Evelyn to him.

E=yeah Robert what is your problem?" Evelyn said in a baby voice, before turning to roshuan and pinch his nipples.

While roshuan whimper in Pain, Evelyn smiled like a kid, and roshuan fell to the floor we all gasp and Evelyn let go of his nipple.

E=what happen baby? Did it hurt? Sowwy" she said before kissing Roshuan's cheek and help him up.

Rs=what the fuck that hurt me bitch" roshuan did rubbing his chest.

E=i still have my bruise you didn't let go when I Told you the answer" she said while slightly pull her short from her left side and show us a bruise.

M=wow roshuan made that?" Mattia ask while trying to touch her lower torso.

E=don't touch me Arlo" Evelyn said while slapping Mattia's hand and pull her shorts up.

M=Arlo?"Mattia almost yell, and Evelyn nod.

E=I don't remember you guys name so I put you guys nicknames" Evelyn said while putting clothes in her backpack.

Ale=whats mine?" Ale ask while clapping his hand.

E=yours is monkey, the tall kid is arlo , and the short guy is cookie, Robert is baby cause I don't have one, roshuan is ro, and Alvaro is alvarito" she said and finish packing her stuff.

M=my name is mattia why arlo?" Mattia said getting up.

E=u look like the dino from 'un gran dinosaurio"she said smiling .

R= i am gonna go" Robert said when we got to the front door.

E=do what i told you" Evelyn said and he nod.

We all get out of her house and walk to roshuan car

Alv=Evelyn you have to sit in someone lap" Alvaro said and she groan....


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