✔Latty's Pick✔

Start from the beginning

Q. Who is the author you most admire in your genre both on and off wattpad?   While TahliePurvis  only has one book series in my genre (her #AskAmy media series) but I love it with all my heart. She can set the scene and pull off such interesting concepts with ease, and I really admire her for it! Off Wattpad, Stephen King has been my biggest inspiration since I was 12 and I read 'Misery' for the first time, marking it as my favorite novel. 'The Institute' and 'The Green Mile' are another two of my favorites by him.

Q. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your winning story, When The Lake Calls?    That I could finish a story in the first place! When The Lake Calls is the first piece I've written, finished, and edited fully in a long, long time. Usually, I get bored with a concept but writing this novella taught me to be patient and to stick to an idea, no matter how long it takes.

Q. What is the key theme and/or message in the story?    When The Lake Calls doesn't have a strict message, but I tried to tell the story of a girl that did everything for popularity and to impress others, turning into a girl that sacrificed herself to save a town of people she never knew.

Q. Do you have a library membership?    Yes! I have multiple library cards for different libraries where I live. I also use my school library, but I've read every good book there is to read there.

Q. What time of the day do you usually write?   For When The Lake Calls, I tried to have a set time to write, from 8am to 12pm. I like writing in the morning since I have the most energy then.

Q. What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?     Having a basic grasp on what is interesting, and what a chapter needs to include is always a must. Sometimes new writers feel the need to add 'filler' chapters, and I find myself falling into that trap sometimes. How I combat that is I plan to achieve something in each chapter, like advancing a subplot or someone dying (It's usually death, haha), and that gives me a target to reach for each chapter. How I get there is up to me.

Q. How were you introduced to Wattpad and how has the journey been so far?   The year was 2014, and I was looking for some 5 Seconds of Summer fanfiction to read. I stumbled across Wattpad and realized I could publish the many stories I'd written as a little girl then. I've had many accounts and some successes with stories in the past, but when When The Lake Calls got featured as an Undiscovered Gem at the start of April 2020, that's the biggest thing that has ever happened to me on Wattpad. The journey so far has been amazing, I've made so many friends and found a way to expose my writing to more people! 

Q. Describe your writing space.    It's honestly just my bed. Sometimes it's my kitchen table, though!

Q. Tell us who is wryterlet and what do they stand for?   I'm an African-Irish teen author with more dreams than unfinished manuscripts. I write because it's all I have, and my mind would implode with all the ideas and characters in it, just waiting to be used. I'm a big advocate for children's rights, and I don't support violence in any way, shape, or form. I stand for anything that is morally good, and I'll support the black, LGBT, and feminist movements as long as it takes for the world to change.

Makua, thank you so much for accepting the invite into talking with us and for your participation in the Winter Rose Awards. Wishing you all the very best!




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