I landed quite roughly near the WWO's headquarters in the middle of the city. On my landing no one was hurt and no buildings were destructed. The rocket laid horizontally with a lot of dust on its main window. I pushed the button which made the main window clean itself. It was getting clear I could now see billions of other people, sitting there hopeless in the cities. I unbuckled and got up. looking at them and I almost started floating for a second while getting up. The gravitational pull on mars was way less than that on earth, I tried getting out of the rocket but the door was jammed so I tried the top door. I opened it with a big push and climbed on the rocket it was still hot from the landing so I stepped off of the metal on the hard glass window. All eyes were on me. They seemed hopeless sitting thereon the ground, some on the steps looking at me as if I meant nothing. Maybe I did mean nothing I was on top of the rocket when I looked closely the humans on mars. They were rather taller than that on earth, maybe the gravitational pull is not strong enough which makes them taller. I took out the megaphone and said, "why are you all sitting here doing nothing?" some of them replied, "we tried everything its hopeless nothing can save us" another said, "they are killing us if we try to do something, there is no way in" another person from the back screamed, "you shouldn't have come here its only death from here nothing else" I put the mega phone down everyone was downhearted. I looked at the headquarter which was about 10 kilometres away and then I looked at them. They were having a lot of weapons with them. Some were still looking at me with a little hope. I looked around there were cameras everywhere right after 10 stepson the road, there a camera was seen. "Cameras" I whispered to myself, "maybe the reason that they couldn't get in. the WWO's knew their exact plan and were monitoring them all the time and they planned against their plans all the times"I did a big stomp on the rockets metal trying to grab everyone's attention without alarming the cameras they were looking at me, curiously they knew I was up to something. I kept my finger on my lips telling everyone to stay calm and everyone understood. I pointed to the cameras which were visible to me. I pointed on 10 of them and suddenly a kid from the lifeless crowd got up and threw a rod at a camera. It broke the camera which hung from the building. I pointed at the boy and gave a thumbs up. I guess they had finally understood me. Next moment most of them got up and with a rock or a gun shot down most of the cameras. I on the other hand pointed out the other drone cameras and the cameras which were remaining from the top of the rocket. One after the other people started gathering around me and after destroying every camera that was near us. They even stopped the building cameras by cutting the power source by dropping the power inlets. They came up to my rocket. They knew I had something to say. I said again but this time I threw the megaphone away because I didn't want some other far away camera to hear me. I said aloud, "you guys were working plans under surveillance that's the reason why you weren't successful. The WWO's knew your plans from the back of their hands" I said, "now I have a plan and who's with me" some people were ready they were cheering but the others still seemed hopeless I asked them, why were they hopeless. they looked up and one said, "who are you and what can you do to help us" the next guy said "how can you do something all of us cant" a woman yelled from the crowd, "what difference do you bring" it was normal...why would they trust me and what can I do alone which all of these billions of people can't. it was simple that they won't trust me. I looked up at them my eyes getting wider I said, "I'm Harison and I used to live on the earth as a species specialist I know its normal for you guys not to trust me because hey, what is it that I can do but you billions of people can't." I had complete eye contact"I bring change. You guys will never believe what had happened to me on earth....It was a normal night when the infected got a way in the Italian base I was sleeping there, and they started to wreck it. I had nowhere to go. I had lost my only family. No idea what to do. I packed 3 guns in my bag and enough food to last me 3 days with only one spare battery in my pack. With the building collapsed behind me. I still didn't give up. I had lost everything but I never lost hope something inside me was saying that if I come out of this alive. I will be a great inspiration and I've always wanted to be one. I want to inspire the little ones. That the world is a big place and you can do anything you want.I was doing this all for myself my main goal was to save myself and my daughter. I jumped off of bridges, jumped off of buildings, ran around the streets, avoiding the infected. In the middle of the night jumped in the pitch-black forests swung on high power lines and I even jumped from a cliff onto a boat but I couldn't do this alone. I did this with a friend. She was with me the whole time until now. She was with me not because she wanted to save herself like my number one goal, but she did this for me she jumped from bridge and off of buildings, ran around the streets avoiding the infected. In the middle of the night jumped in the pitch-black forests she swung on a high-power line and even jumped off of a cliff. she did this just for me. She had no reason to come with me but she still did, she still helped me and if she hadn't been there for me in every turn. I might not have been standing here telling what we've been through but I'm not here to tell you that but instead I want to tell you all that life is weird and its long, and no one can change what is going to happen next. We can either face it and take it down or either let it take us down. I'm here on mars only because of her, she sacrificed herself for you guys she stayed on Earth. With infected people outnumbering her. So, that I could come up to help you guys. I'm not the perfect person after all.... At first I was caring only for my own daughter and you guys were my secondary goals but turns out that she taught me not only to live life for yourself but for others also and I need to take my own responsibility a lot of you might wonder why am I telling you this. I'm telling you this to show you why you can believe me because I'm here for you guys and if you guys don't believe me then there's no point ill also drop down to you guys and sit on the stairs hopelessly if there's place for me on there. I'm here to tell you guys to trust me because not only I'm unique in my own way .... I'm one of you now. You guys are totally unique in your own ways too but still you guys are a part of me too and I'm a part of you too.We all are humans some might be tall or some might be small but all of us are unique in our own ways but we are one and we stand together and we can do this if we only unite" I was looking at them silently, saying nothing. I could see some faces with hope and in just a second or two. I heard a big cheer. I guess I changed them and they seemed ready to take down the next challenge.

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