Chapter 14: UA Sports Festival! Pt.2

Start from the beginning

'Does that mean I...'


"Now, take your places everyone!"

You all stood on the hall where the obstacle race starts. You waited until Midnight announced, 'start!'. You all ran as fast as you can as if you were running for your precious lives.

"Okay, here's the play-by-play! Are you ready to do the commentary, Mummy Man?" Present Mic spoke. "You're the one who forced me to come." Mr. Aizawa answered.

"Let's get started right away, Mummy Man. What should we pay attention to in the early stages?" Present Mic continued, "This part right now." Mr. Aizawa answered again.

"Hey, hey!"

"This is too narrow!"


"Hey, move!"

The students were really having a hard time while you just floated in the air, so you didn't have a problem. Nothing matters as long as you're still on the course, right?

Suddenly, ice bursted out from nowhere and it froze everyone's feet from ground. Luckily for you, you just floated and began flying fast catching up to Half n Half. Aoyama used his navel laser, Momo created something who knows what, and Bakugo used his explosions to boost himself up and fly. Oh, and Kirishima... He just jumped, how did he do that?

"I won't let you get away so easily! You half-and-half bastard!" Bakugo shouted from behind as larger explosions came out from his palms causing him to boost forward. Mineta took out some slimy balls from his head as his steppingstones. The little grape was about to do his special move but he was hit by a hand of a robot.

Haha, funny. Wait, robots?

They look familiar. Oh. They were from the entrance exam. So now they're taking revenge for destroying them? I apologized to them in advance so they should accept it. I'm dead. Not!

"Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with... the first barrier! Robo Inferno!"

One of the robots were about to attack but Todoroki immediately froze it. Good, you weren't in the mood to deal with them. I mean, you apologized. You continued to fly and it didn't seem like Half n Half saw you ahead of him. He turned to the students from behind but when he faced back to the front, he caught you.

"Amazing he's the first one through! It's, you know, practically unfair!"

"His actions are logical and strategic."

"As expected of someone who got in through recommendations! He'd never fought them before, but those Robo Infernos couldn't get past his elite moves! Oh! There's L/N flying ahead! Wait, Todoroki is behind her! That means she got through first?! Amazing! Looks like she continued to fly ahead while Todoroki was taking down the robots!" Present Mic stated.

You heard Todoroki scoffed while you just smirked.

This is so fun! All I have to do is get through all the obstacles and win!

You noticed more of your classmates coming from behind.

I better do something than just fly. Alright, enough play time.

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