Day 87

19 3 16

Thursday, July 2, 2020 


Apparently, one thing that really boosts my emotional levels is watching as my friend talks for literal hours about the symbolism of the names of characters in an anime and manga we both love. She's learning Japanese (and is very good at it to, like wow she's incredible) and as such can analyze the names and the characters' personalities, fighting techniques, and character arcs to see how their names describe that.

She created with doc and shared it, so I basically just watched her type in real time her analysis on each character's name, texting her comments throughout the thing. And that was probably one of the best feelings in the world, because I could feel how much she really loved to talk about it and have someone listen to her. And I just love listening to any of my friends talk about their thoughts/things they've been learning/headcanons. I don't know, but that was really nice and it really helped to keep my morale up from around 3pm to 7pm. Plus I got more insight to characters so that was awesome!

I don't know why I decided to talk about that, it was nice and lately I've been getting weird time periods of not so good mental places. This was a nice change of pace and I appreciate that.

Stay safe kiddos, reach out to friends and talk to them, it'll probably bring up your happiness too.

All my love <3<3<3<3


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