Day 30

27 6 11

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Alright, it's time.

Lay down on a comfortable surface.

Try to relax your shoulders and neck, and if the tension lingers press yourself into the earth like gravity is becoming stronger for thirty seconds to a minute.

Okay, now, close your eyes.

Imagine the night sky, clearest sky you've ever seen in real life or tv. The stars are extremely bright and you can see at least one constellation that you know.

Now, remember.

Any one star you see could be an entire galaxy millions of light years away.

Any of those sparks of light could be a planet like Venus or Saturn or Jupiter.

Any one of those could be a pocket universe billions or trillions of light years away.

And remember.

When this universe was created, all the particles and atoms that exist now were created. Forged in the cold fire of the universe, next to and making up stars. 

This means, you and me and you, we are all made up of the same stuff as these incredible things.

That's right, the same stars you see right now in your mind are made up of the same basic atoms and compounds that create you. 

You are a star, a planet, a galaxy, a universe.

A constellation.

A pocket dimension.

Infinite possibilities and you hold the same materials as them.

That means

You were forged in the cold fire of the universe's beginning.

You are the same as a star, a constellation, a planet, a galaxy, an universe.

You are fire and earth and water and wind and black matter and everything in between.

You are infinity and beyond.

You are all this and so much more, just because you are you.

So my dears, when you think of the parts you hate, remember that they are equal to stars and galaxies.

When you look in the mirror and all you can see is flaw after flaw, remember that everything in the reflection is a universe and stardust.

When you feel like you are nothing, remember that you are darkness and light, created in the hottest fire of all and cooled in the coldest ice known to the worlds. 

You are beautiful and other worldly, fire and ice, a star and galaxy in your own right.

You are an universe.

Stay safe kiddos!! 

You're all the universe to me <3<3


Late Night ThoughtsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz