Day 109

33 3 27

Friday, July 24, 2020


For those of you who saw my messages on my board today, you'll know that my day has been.... emotional to say the least. 

I had a terrible day, lots of stress on getting chores done without my sister's help, the normal.

I made a big thing on my board, if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about check it out, it's the second post.

ANYWAY I was relaxing and improving my writing by attempting to write a kiss scene (very awkward) when the weirdest memory hit me.

So from like, first grade to fifth I would take the bus from school to this daycare place with a couple other girls my age and because of how it is, we were all friends.

Now during the summer, myself and the other girls went to the daycare all day. And because it was that kind of daycare, once a week we had a water day, where everyone changed into swimsuits (in the bathroom obviously) and then went out into the grass yard and played in the sprinklers and stuff.

*sigh* here's where the memory kicks in.

I'm like, six years old or something.

It's water day.

And because me and this girl H are such good friends (we went to the same school and daycare, wow, friendship) we decide to be efficient and change in the bathroom at the same time, facing the opposite wall and not looking obviously.

*sigh* how did I ever think I was straight?

Anyway, we change and H  has been talking about kissing or whatever, I was thinking about dragons or something (no joke, literally dragons. It's so ace that I can't believe it). Then we're all changed when H tells me that she wants to practice a kiss she learned about on the internet ( daycare was weird okay?).


She told me we were going to touch tongues or something and I was like "cool bro".

Then we freaking French kissed or tongue touched or whatever in the daycare bathroom.

I was neutral over it and I think she thought it was weird so we walked out like nothing happened and basically forgot about it.

We never spoke of it again and a couple years later she kinda low keyed bullied me and I've ghosted almost everyone in my grade after getting out of middle school so who knows where she is right now. 

I hope she's doing alright. Maybe she asked that nice girl S she was friends with from gymnastics (she was a gymnast) out. I think they'd make a nice couple. 

Course as far as I know they're both straight, but who knows.

Her brother was awful to me but I heard he mellowed out in middle school. 

I don't know, my childhood was really weird now that I think about it. 

At the same daycare I became friends with this guy A who was a year older than me. He was nice, we talked dragons and mythology most of the time. My other friends thought I had a crush on him. I think I just liked dragons. 

He was pretty rebellious towards the end, I hope he turned into a punk when he started high school. Course last time I heard anything it sounded like he was playing soccer for his school so maybe not. 

The main teacher/watcher of the kids in the room I was in at the daycare was a singer for a rock band, she was.... interesting. Dyed blonde hair, lots of makeup, sequins and pink glitter summed up her outfits. Oh and high heeled leather boots. Always drank a Coca Cola. I never liked her but I did respect her as an adult. She must have only been in her thirties or maybe forties...

Yeah my daycare was weird.

Really shows how much of an ace I am, even back then when I thought I was straight. 

~Dragons~ while my friend is talking about kissing.

Gods I can't believe my younger self.

Stay safe kiddos and don't kiss a girl in the daycare bathroom unless you actually know what you're doing.

All my love <3<3<3


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