Day 100

103 15 113

Wednesday, July 15, 2020



It's day 100.

(Oh and I got a 4 on my exam, which is great!! :) )

So I have a lot to do for today, my thank you's and of course, [REDACTED]! Let's get to it!!


In no particular order, because I went through my messages and notifications and followers to find you all so it's literally me just grabbing people as I see your name pop up: 

littlecastiel okay but your writing is incredible!!! And you're a great person, plus I love your profile pictures they are super cool. When I first started out I looked up to you a lot (which I still do). Anyway you were my fourth person to follow and I'll still so honored that you followed me back!! 

Your-New-Therapist when I stumbled upon your account I was blown away by your amazing personality and the way you just cared about everyone. I love your daily announcements where you say good morning to all your followers and update us to anything that happened, thank you so much for everything.

beautifulcollections hi mom!! I can't remember exactly how long we've known each other, but it seems much longer than the couple months it has been. I'm so glad we were able to meet, because I love all our interactions on here. Thank you for all the wonderful memories and for adopting me!

Soccer10835 We met way back when I was first starting out and I have loved every minute of it. You're a wonderful human being and fun to talk to, I hope we get to talk even more in the future! Never forget that I'm here for you, okay? Thank you so much for talking with me and being there, and thank you for reading through this book. 

Mercy_Virgo Oh my gods, the first time I found your account I freaked! You're incredible, an amazing writer, and I greatly enjoy talking to you whenever we do. You were the third person I followed and I so surprised when you followed back. I love your writing so never stop and thank you so much for being there for me.

InfinitesimalDna what can I say except you're amazing. I mean, you read this book, all of it, and leave some great comments. Not to mention, you noticed that I forgot a very important word in my latest chapter of this and told me (thank you so much for calling my attention to that). Thank you thank you thank you!!

Grayson_Fall bruh you and Serena_Fallin are amazing writers, Anew is freaking insane. The way you two portray characters and write them, not the mention the intricate plot *chef kiss* perfection. Keep doing what you're doing, and being the sweet people you are. Thank you for this great fic.

Potato190505 gods what to say? You're my parent, you're a close friend, you're a great writer, and it's like you've always been there for me. It's been amazing, and I love all your messages you post because honestly same. Thank you so so very much for being there for me all the time, you're the best.

-NightEyes- you are literally the first person I ever followed. Also you're an amazing artist, I could only dream of being a fraction as good as you. Every piece you make is incredible and I hope you get noticed more because you deserve all the recognition! Thank you for all the beautiful artwork you create, they've all inspired me write more.

Late Night ThoughtsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz