Day 66

25 5 16

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Pride Day 11: top five favorite books

*clutching as many books as possible* i rEfUsE tO aNsWeR bEcAuSe tHeY aRe aLl mY fAvOrItEs

But here's a sample of some really good ones

• Lunar Chronicles 

• Harry Potter series 

• Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase, and Trials of Apollo (read in that order. At some point read Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods, and the sequel, Percy Jackson ad Greek Heroes.)

• Song of Achilles, the angsty, fluffy, slow burn-ish, homophobic mom is homophobic, war boyfriends who never got a happy ending rip my heart out and make me cry in public book about the Greek OTP of the Iliad book

• Valkyrie series 

• Pegasus series ^^^ same author as the above series, not connected though

• Space Boy which is actual a webtoon but also has printed books 

• The Princess Saves Herself In This One series (poems but not what you would expect)

• Good Omens which also has a tv series on Amazon which is really good so watch it after reading the book

• The Fault In Our Stars 

• The Book Thief (death is the narrator, WW2)

I could go on, but um that's the entire chapter.




I don't have much to put here.

I don't know if I'll be able to the screen recording for future multiple of 5 chapters, I have no idea if the link even worked or not for the practice test so I think that's just not going to happen.


I'm tired. And my emotional level is hovering at 60% on a '99% being the best feeling I've experienced so far, 50% entering dark thoughts area, and 1% is there is no emotions' scale.

How're y'all doing?

Stay safe kiddos, hydrate to not die-drate!

Love you all <3<3<3


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