Day 146

31 2 15

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Welcome back to: "this ace got no clue what they're doing and is hoping to bs their way through the first week of school with a couple mints, a water bottle, a notebook or three, an iPad, and a phone."

I am taking not one, but two AP courses.

I am taking not one, but two AP prep courses.

And one accelerated course.

Plus a language course (Spanish).

And of course, band. But we can't play at the school for a month, so we'll be playing on our virtual days or something.

Oh, and I have a study hall! But that's only for first semester. 

Second semester that's replaced with a yoga gym course. 

So basically I'm a nervous wreck.

And I have tomorrow to 1) write up two chapters for fics due on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2) clean out my shirt drawer because it's too full, 3) pack backpack/gather supplies, and 4) be as prepared for classes as I will be.

To be perfectly clear, I fear for my sanity. 

I wake up at 6am to check in on here, then breakfast. After breakfast is writing. After writing is lunch. After lunch is more writing if needed. And then everything else needed to be done. After that is dinner then two-three hours after that for family time. Once it hits 9pm I get ready for bed and stay up till 11pm online. Then I (")sleep(").

That's my schedule without school.

Once school starts, first my afternoons are sacrificed for school and writing, then my weekend, then my sleep. 

But, then again, I do have a study hall. That must count for something. And my parents will have to be lenient, I am taking mostly AP, pre AP, or accelerated classes after all. 

I'm coming out of this scarred, I can already tell. Something will have to sacrificed this year, and my time will not suffice this cycle. No, my humanity, my sanity, my wellbeing, my escapes, my community, my writing, those are up for grabs this time around and I fear any loss will cause.... unseen consequences.

Stay safe kiddos! Remember to take off your binder after an absolute max of ten hours, your lungs need the break.

All my love <3<3<3


Late Night ThoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ