Day 5

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

On every day that ends in a five or zero I'll try and post something more positive, or at least calming, because there's a lot of negativity and sometimes it's nice to just have some comforting words.

So, I want you to go to a window or go outside.

Stare up at the sky.

Maybe there's a moon. Maybe there's stars, however faint. Maybe there's white clouds. Maybe there's grey clouds for miles. Maybe it's raining. Maybe both the sun and moon are out at the same time. Maybe it's just blue, a thousand shades of blue going and going, for forever and a day.

Gaze up and let yourself get lost in it. 

Get lost in the endless expanse. Get lost in the countless amount of stars. Get lost in the shapes of clouds. Get lost in the sheets of raining pouring out of the sky, never ending.

Now close your eyes.

Imagine yourself, in a field, far away from all signs of humanity.

Imagine yourself staring up at the sky, the same sky you were just lost in.

Imagine floating up into it, the sky becoming even bigger the closer you get.

Imagine looking to the sides and seeing the slight curving of the earth. Notice the fuzzy horizon, the way it all bends at the edges.

Breath in deeply.

You're up there, in the sky. It's nothing like you imagined and yet everything.

It's giant, mind-glowingly so.

Don't try to explain it, just take it in. 

You're in the sky, part of it. You always were, the particles that make up you are all from the sky and beyond. You're where you belong.

There's a rightness in your bones, in your soul. It whispers to you, telling you that this is where you came from. All of this, all of it in front of your eyes and beyond, are in you.

Never forget, it whispers, never forget where you came from. 

And it's right. Never forget that you came from the sky and space.

Remember, in the way you feel so much, in your eyes, in your heart, in all your actions. You are a child of the sky.

When you start to forget, as we all do, just look up at the sky and dive into it's depths again. Get lost in it's sheer endlessness. Feel the kinship in your bones. And remember again.

Stay safe kiddos, my pms are always open.

Platonic love <3


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