Chapter 35: The Desert

Start from the beginning

He holds out a cactus to me and I empty it out, "okay, I think you've had enough."

"Who lit Toph on fire?" Oh spirits, here we go.

"Can I get some of that cactus juice?" Toph asks.

Katara puts an arm around her, "I don't think that's a good idea. Come on, we need to find Aang."

We all begin to walk away but Sokka stays put while gazing at the sky. I groan and pull him along, "how did we get out here in the middle of the ocean?"

I roll my eyes, "Magic, Sokka. It was magic."

"Wow~ Who's magic?"

While smirking, I tell him, "Mine. I'm a witch."

He digs his heels into the ground, stumbles away from me and then points, "WITCH! WITCH! Where's Zuko when you need him?!"

"Sokka!" I smack his arm. Suddenly, a large dust cloud formed in the distance and even sent a gust of wind passed us, "what is that?"

"What? What is what?" Toph looks around.

Sokka puts his hands in the air, "it's a giant mushroom. Maybe it's friendly!"

"Let's just keep moving," Katara tells us, "I hope Aang's okay."

I stay and watch as Sokka sways awkwardly, "friendly mushroom. Mushy, giant friend!" I huff and pull him from his trance for the second time in 30 minutes. "oh, hey there, Havi. You're so pretty you know."

"Mhm." I know that was dry but I would be happier if these were normal conditions.

"Don't tell anyone I told you that though. It can't get back around to her." I look at him weird. That made no sense.

"Sokka, I am Havi. You just told me yourself."

"Oh," he pauses, "well then, oopsie."

I pull him forward but he stays put. When I turn around, he leans in to give me a kiss but I cover his mouth with my hand.

"No, sir. Not when you're all cactus juiced up," I tell him before continuing on.

• • •

It was getting darker and I was getting so extremely tired. More tired than when Azula, Ty Lee and the boring one chased us.

Suddenly, a shadow passed over our heads and Aang landed behind us. Katara speaks to him, "I'm sorry, Aang. I know it's hard for you right now but we need to focus on getting out of here."

"What's the difference," he looks away, "we won't survive without Appa, we all know it."

"Come on, Aang. We can do this if we work together, right Toph?"

Toph bluntly says, "as far as I can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. I've got nothing."

"Havi?" Katara turns to me and I shrug sadly, "Sokka, any ideas on how to find Ba Sing Se?"

The boy was laying on the ground, "Why don't we ask the circle birds?" He points to the sky as I sit down in defeat.

Katara groans, "we're getting out of this desert and we're gonna do it together! Aang, get up. Everybody, hold hands. We can do this. We have to." Katara leads at the front while holding Aang's hand, who holds Toph's, then Sokka's, then me in the back to make sure the blind one and high one don't get lost.

Eventually, when the sun was almost down Katara tells us, "I think we should stop for the night." We all groan and fall to the ground. My legs were shaky, my throat was dry, and my eyelids were so heavy.

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