Chapter 57- Spoiling Tea

Start from the beginning

"What happened to your face, Niall?"

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I might've been too relieved about it that everyone heard and turn to me. "Mmm? Would you rather I ask a different question, honey?" Mum asks as if she's teasing me slightly. I sweatdropped. Mum had already seen right through me. Well, she's my mother after all.

Still, I tried to deny it. " No, no, no. It's just pretty stupid of Niall to get that black eye." I blurted out before I could even check it mentally. I saw Louis smirk from my peripheral view, making me briefly squeeze my eyes tight. Oh my gosh, Niall. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. It was a statement out of a spur at the moment.

"Mmmyea... I was pretty careless. Leticia and I were walking through the dark, and I didn't notice this big branch of a tree, too overprotective and proud, clearly a douchebag." Niall agreed. I almost choke unto my own saliva with the way he implies it as such. I turn to my brother to see him raising a brow before shrugging. Oh, man.

Mum sighs, clueless of what is it Niall was implying. "This is what I am talking about. Don't go sneaking out again. You're not familiar with the place even. You're both lucky it's just a branch without a snake, or you two would've been dead by now."

"We understand, mummy. We are sorry for making you worry."

"Is it still hurting though, Niall?" She asks.

Niall shook his head. "No, it's okay. Richard had given me an ice pack earlier." He answered.

Mum smiles, "Okay, that's enough. So long as you've learned your lesson. Let's eat. I know you'd all love this. It's one of your favorite snacks after playing in the backyard." She chimes.

Okay, I'm just glad that it's done. We have gotten over it quicker and smoother than I've imagined. Now, the only thing that is left on the way is breakfast, then we could scout our way through the woods. I just really hope we get to see a body of water to swim at. I'm so excited already.

"Oi, why are you smiling like that? You should start eating, or else I'll take a big scoop out of your parfait." Louis chuckles after nudging me on my side.

I stick my tongue out at him. "You have yours already, big brother," I replied, shifting my plate a little bit farther from him.

Louis pouts. "Did you really get a rabbit, baby sis?"

I looked up at him smiling. "Yes, Niall took Carrot to the site all along. I didn't even notice! Then they all came up with the idea of purchasing it for me." I narrated to him happily. Although, I couldn't really pinpoint what's Louis' take on this. He is clearly not happy about this; I'm guessing from his facial expression. But I did not dare call him out.

"O-oh. That's great. Could you show me Carrot then? I knew y-you two are perfect for each other." My brother stammered before messing my hair so he could cover up his tensed self.

"Maybe later, /he's still having breakfast," I reply with a chuckle just to lighten the mood. Having Niall give me something I wanted doesn't mean I love my brother any less.

Louis smiles, changing the subject. "You look good in my shirt."

I smile back before starting to eat my parfait. "What do you mean? I look good in everything. As a matter of fact, I think I'd look prettier later." I winked flirtatiously.

Louis would've said something if it wasn't for mum seating beside me for an unknown reason. I suddenly felt uneasy and nervous again.

"Hey mum, I really like the crepes. We should eat this more often." My brother grins.

"There's more where it came from so you could eat some more, Louis."

"What about a parfait, mummy? I want another one!"

Mum looked at me for a second longer before smiling and caressing my hair. "Unfortunately, we only have one each, but you can eat mine instead, Leticia." She responded.

"Really? It's okay if I don't get another one."

"Yes, sweetheart. Take it, anything you want."

I could literally feel the sparkles in my eyes. My mother is really the best. She always wants the best for us and already had sacrificed a lot. She's a strong independent woman and I hope her boyfriend is really the one for her. And yes, I am having these thoughts because of the parfait. I'm not overreacting. She's just always like that and I appreciate it always. Anyone could bear a daughter but not everyone could stand and be a mother.

"I love you mum,"

"I love you too, Leticia." She chuckles when I tackled her into a quick hug. "Why are you being like that?" She teases.

I'm just really touched that she noticed that I was also affected by her breakup with my biological father. Carrot would always be a reminder of that.

"So... Wouldn't you tell me what happened last night?" She wriggles her brows at me, making me tense lightly. I thought this would never happen anymore. I relaxed way too early. I glance at my brother, who is already looking down at me.

I thought I'm already going to be safe at this. Oh, how wrong was I. I smile over at y big brother before sitting up and clearing my throat. But Louis beats me into speaking. "Nothing happened mum. I told Niall that Leticia is still not yet ready for a relationship."

I was shocked, giving Louis a look. This would imply that that black eye would've come from him instead. That's a more believable narrative!

"Oh, don't believe Louis. He's just showing off." I shrug.

"So you and Niall, eh?" She chuckles excitedly. Sheesh. Mum is more like a best friend or an older sister sometimes.

I blink back at her. "No. No, mum. That's not what I meant. I mean, nothing like that happened. Niall just thought me how to fish. That's the only thing that there is. We are not together of some sort. Wouldn't it be awkward to date Niall? I only thought of him as a younger brother and-"

Louis pats my back. "Breathe, baby. Breathe." I didn't notice that I was rambling through words. But I think they both get my point.

"I'm sorry... It's just, it's my first time talking about stuff like this." I murmur.

"Niall and I couldn't be together yet because we should focus on our studies first. I chuckled awkwardly.

Mum raised a brow towards me but didn't question further. She knows that I'd rather study sometimes. I remember having Louis ignored the whole time because of my exams.

"I see? Whatever makes you both happy. But know I'd approve of Niall either way." Mum gave me a wink, making me uneasy as I furrow my brows. I wish she'd support me like this if it were for Louis.

"Omg, mum. Please don't be like that." I just pouted, which earned a chuckle from her.

"No, I want to, but we can't be together because she loves Louis more. I don't even understand what he has that I don't." Niall blurts out, out of nowhere, his hands slamming towards the wooden table out of frustration.

Maybe it's just because we were all hiding something related, and that it has another meaning for the three of us that I could just feel my eyes widen in horror as I look at him and mum's boyfriend. Apparently, they're having their own conversation, and Niall just snaps out of it.

Everyone was taken aback because of his sudden claim, including him, after realizing what he had said. I do not exactly know what to say as Niall and I just stare eye to eye.


Hi, lovelies! How are you all doing? It's the start of another month! With this, I thought of making an imagine for one lucky reader. It'll be posted on my Ko-fi page. To be part of the choices, you must at least be following me as well. If you're lucky enough to get chosen, we would have a little chat about the imagine just for you! 

The results would be posted in the next chapter. See you all there. :))

Link in my bio.

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