Jarlos (Bal, Jayvie)

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Yes. Many things different about this one. The A/N is at the top (another at the bottom) and it's Jarlos. Jane and Carlos. I feel like torturing myself today, so here ya go :) ALSO I KNOW OCTOBER 1ST ISN'T CAMERON'S BIRTHDAY, I JUST DON'T WANT CARLOS TO HAVE TO SAME ONE AS HIM. Enjoy :)

It was Christmas Eve. Mal, Evie, Ben, Carlos and Jane were all sitting around a fire, each with a mug of hot chocolate. This was gonna be their first Christmas without Jay. He unfortunately lost his life a few months ago to cancer. To make matters worse, that day happened to be October 1st. Carlos' birthday. The friends sat in silence, slowly sipping their drinks. Evie was wearing one of her deceased boyfriend's hoodies. Jane was curled up into Carlos' side. Mal was sitting in Ben's lap. Finally, Mal spoke,"It's weird. It's kinda like Jay was the light of the party." Carlos nodded in agreement.
"He was..."his voice cracked slightly. Jane put her hand on his to remind him that he didn't have to talk if he didn't think he could. "But we don't have control over life or death. It does hurt..." He paused for a moment to gather himself slightly. "A lot. But we shouldn't let it ruin our Christmas." Mal smiled.
"Yeah..." Ben pulled Mal a little closer and buried his face in her hair. Evie sipped her drink again, taking in Carlos' words. She and him were the closest to Jay, her being his girlfriend and him his best friend. She knew he was hurting just as much as she was. Probably more. Mal was like his sister, but Evie knew that even though she did care for him, it wasn't the same. The friends spent the rest of Christmas Eve in silence, before going to bed.

Christmas morning was a lot more joyful. They were talking and laughing and exchanging gifts. But there was one thing. Jane hadn't given Carlos anything. Not that he minded, the best gift he could ever have was her, bit it hurt him a little. Finally, she handed him a card and said,"Merry Christmas, babe." He smiled at her. He slowly opened the card and read the inside. It shocked him.

Dear Carlos,
Merry Christmas! I love you! My gift to you is the joy of parenthood. In nine months, you're gonna be a dad!
Love, Jane

He looked at her is disbelief, before picking her up and twirling her around. "We're gonna be parents!"he exclaimed, still not quite believing it. Little did any of the friends know, was that in the corner of the room was a spirit. A spirit who was happy for his friends. A spirit who vowed to keep them out of harms way. A spirit who's name was Jay.

Yay! Update! Okay, Jay died again. 😂 I wrote a Jarlos because I realised nobody was gonna request it and yeah. I want some more of a mix. I need more ships! Please please please request things! Please! Otherwise, this book will either end up being only Jaylos and maybe some Benlos, or end really quickly! Please......... please....... request! Love you all! ❤️

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