Benlos (Jarlos)

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Here it is! Mask!Carlos but Benlos! I have decided to dedicate this to PaigeWillows Ross_Lynch_Lover13 Disney-Channel-Lover and DixieTheChickenGamer because why not 😂 ENJOY ❤️

Ben dared a glance across the room. Jane was curled up into Carlos' side, sleeping peacefully. Mal was frowning at her phone, Evie was doing some hand-sewing and Carlos was crying. That's all the masked boy had done recently. His best friend, Jay, had passed away a few days ago, due to cancer. His death broke everybody, but hurt Carlos the most. The puppy boy hadn't slept in days, spending night after night sobbing and whispering to himself. Jane shuffled a bit. The silence in the room made Ben uncomfortable. Slowly, he pulled out his phone and started going through Instagram. He noticed how everybody who knew Jay was posting picture of him, with captions: He didn't deserve this 🥺 and If only they'd saved him 😭. He then received a message. A creepy message. He tapped on the notification that took him to WhatsApp, where he read the message. It was from Jay's phone. The message read: The mask, Ben, the mask. Ben only knew one person who owned a mask. Carlos. The young boy always wore it, Summer or Winter, rain or shine. Mal and Evie told him never to ask about it, saying Carlos will cut him off forever. Ben wouldn't've been able to handle that. Oh, did he forget to mention he has a huge high school crush on Carlos? The puppy boy wiped a tear before pulling his girlfriend on closer. Right, Ben thought, Don't ask about the mask, just ask about the message. Carlos was the only one who knew the password to Jay's phone, so he must've sent the message, right? Ben watched in disgust as Jane gently moved her hand and placed it on Carlos' area. Jeez girl, Ben thought, You guys haven't even said 'I love you' yet. The King spotted a small blush peep above the top of Carlos' mask, before he slowly moved his lover's hand away from there. Male groaned, annoyed, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "What's wrong, M?"Evie asked, looking up from her sewing.
"Carlos, why are you sending me messages from Jay's phone?!"Mal complained. Oh... Ben thought, I'm not the only one getting the messages.
"I got one too,"Ben added. Carlos frowned.
"I haven't been,"he said, confused,"I haven't even looked at Jay's messages, only his photos."
"Then who sent me and Ben the messages?"Mal asked, concerned. Jane slowly got up, keeping a grip on Carlos' arm.
"What did they say?"the son of Cruella questioned, sitting up a little more.
"Mine said,"Mal began. She took out her phone and read it out loud,"The mask Mal, the mask."
"That's what mine said, but with Ben not Mal,"the young King said. Carlos frowned a little more. Ben found it hard to be serious at that moment. The puppy boy just looked so adorable when thinking. Quickly, Carlos got up and rushed upstairs. He came down a few moment later, holding Jay's phone. The son of Jafar had a personalised phone case, with a picture of him and Carlos on it and little lamps as a boarder. The tech-obsessed son of Cruella made it for his best friend for Christmas using his 3D printer. Carlos typed in the password at record speed, quickly going into messages. As predicted, the messages Ben and Mal had received were on Jay's phone too. Frozen in shock and fear, Carlos seemed stuck to the floor, and only came back to reality after a few shakes from his girlfriend.
"I don't understand,"Carlos slowly said,"I didn't write these and I don't know anybody else who knows the password..." The friends all shared a worried glance. Carlos and Ben held eye contact for a few seconds longer, before the puppy boy broke it, a small blush visible over his mask. Suddenly, there was a loud scream, and everything went black...

When Ben woke up, he was lying in a hospital bed. He looked beside him. Carlos was unconscious, still wearing the mask, but had a few machines plugged into him. He looked to the other side. Evie as lying on the bed, on her phone. "Ben!"she said, excitedly when she spotted her friend. She put her phone down. "You're awake!"
"Yeah... what happened?"Ben asked, rubbing his head little and sitting up a bit.
"I'm a little hazy on the details, but-

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