~The Deal~ (Part Two)

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Couples: Jaylos, Bal
WARNING: Mentions of pedophile and slight smut
Part two! Yay :) Uhh... idk what to say rn, just enjoy

It had only been a few days since Jay and Carlos went to Fairy Godmother, and already the word had gotten out. Well, almost. Everybody knew Mr Winston had touched someone, but nobody knew who. Not even King Ben. Whenever someone asked, Fairy Godmother would just say,"I'm sure they'd rather have their identity a secret, love." Jay and Carlos pretended not to know, and whenever someone asked, they'd just reply,"I'm just as clueless as you." Or something along those lines. One day, the boyfriends were called into Fairy Godmother's office.
"Take a seat, children,"she said, smiling. The pair sat down. "As you may have noticed, the word of Mr Winston has gotten around. Unfortunately, in order for him to be punished, we do have to tell Ben who it is. Is that okay, Jay?" The son of Jafar was picking at the skin on his finger tips. Carlos took his hand to calm him down.
"If it means he'll be punished... okay. So long as no-one else finds out,"he agreed.
"I promise, it'll remain a secret." She turned to some guards. "May you bring the King here, please?" The guards nodded and left the room.

A few minuets later, the two guards returned with Ben. He was shocked to see Carlos and Jay sitting with Fairy Godmother. "What's going on?"he asked.
"As you may have heard, Mr Winston did touch a student in inappropriate ways,"Fairy Godmother replied.
"Yeah, I did." Ben took a seat by Carlos.
"Well, I've told the boys that in order for something to happen, you must know who that child was."
"Mhm, which one of you was it?" He looked over at the pair. Carlos nodded at Jay. "Oh god, I am so sorry."
"It's not your fault..."Jay replied, looking at the floor.
"I'll make sure he's punished right away."

The next day, Jay was walking down the corridor when a younger student he didn't know came up to him and said,"Are you the guys Mr Winston touched?" Jay was shocked.
"Uhh, nope,"he replied.
"Oh, so you aren't Jay?"
"Uhh I am but..."
"IT'S HIM!!"the kid suddenly yelled to everybody in the corridor. Jay quickly ran out of there and to Ben's dorm. He knocked. A tired Ben opened it.
"Hey Jay-"he began, but was cut off.
Who did you tell?!"Jay demanded, letting himself in. Ben shut the door.
"I told Mal, that's it I swear!"
"You promised not to tell anyone!"
"But she's like your sister and-"
"Yeah, but she tells Evie everything, who acts like any tiny thing is gossip and tells the whole school!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know! I thought it was okay!"
"Why didn't you check with me first?!" Ben stood still. Jay was angry, and everybody knows when Jay's angry, run. But Ben wasn't scared.
"Because you guys are so close. I thought you'd already told her. I'm sorry, okay?" Jay sighed.
"It's okay. I'll just move schools and never see anybody again..." Just at that moment, Mal and Evie came running in.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!?!"they both screamed at the same time.
"What?"Jay asked, stepping back a little.
"That Mr Winston touched you!"Evie answered.
"Because, I don't want the whole world to know! I only wanted it to be Carlos and Fairy Godmother who knew, but then I had to tell Ben and then he told you guys and now everybody knows!" Evie looked guilty.
"Sorry... I just... I told Audrey and then she asked if she could tell Jane and I said yeah because... I dunno I just thought it would be just them but I guess it spread... I'm so sorry Jay..." Jay sighed again.
"If anybody needs me, I'll be hiding in my room away from everyone until this blows over...." Jay slowly left the room and headed to his own dorm. He needed to think. As he turned the corner to enter, he saw Carlos being swarmed with what looked like hundreds of people all trying to enter the dorm. Jay rushed over. "Hey!"he called. "What's going on?" Everybody in the mob instantly turned to the son of Jafar and started asking him questions, all at once.
"Is it true you got touched by a teacher?!"
"Did he rape you?!"
"How many times did it happen?!"
"Who was the first person you told?!"
"Stop!!"he finally yelled. Everybody stepped away. "Just leave me and Carlos alone!" The mob mumbled their apologies before walking off in their separate directions. Jay went over to Carlos and pulled him into the dorm.
"How did everybody find out?"the puppy boy asked, looking up at his boyfriend with worry in his eyes.
"Ben told Mal who told Evie who told Audrey who told Jane and so on,"Jay replied, pulling Carlos into a hug.
"Are you gonna do something about it?"
"I don't know what I can do. I guess I'll just have to wait until something new happens..." Jay's tone was so sad and so... low. Carlos had never seen his lover so... upset. Gently, the puppy boy placed a small kiss on Jay's lips.
"It'll be okay... promise."

Later that evening, Auradon Prep was silent. It was only 8, and everybody was in the dining hall, eating dinner. But it was silent. No comfortable conversations or buzz of noise. No clanking of pots and pans or scraping of knifes and forks on plates. Silence. Most people were watching Jay and his friends, while other stared at their food. It was too uncomfortable. Slowly, Jay stood up and left the hall. His friends wanted to follow him, but Carlos spoke up. "I'm sure he wants to be alone,"he said, his voice echoing all around. Then, the noise of chatter began. People started eating and drinking and talking. Pots and pans began clamming in the kitchen, the usual. This made Carlos uncomfortable. Slowly, he himself got up and left. He ran down to his dorm and burst in, only to find Jay wasn't there. "Babe?"he called, confused.
"Y... yeah?"came Jay's muffled reply. Oh, he must be in the bathroom... Carlos thought. The puppy boy walked over to his lover's dresser and pulled out his favourite hoodie. Gently, he slid it on and flopped onto his bed, sliding off his shoes and shorts. He sighed, sitting up again, pulling off the hoodie and his shirt before pulling the hoodie back on, then throwing all his clothes into the laundry hamper. Now lying in Jay's hoodie and his underwear, Carlos took his phone off the bedside table and started texting Evie :

Me: Hey E
Berrie: Hey puppy, is J okay?
Me: Yeah, he's fine :)
Berrie: Good :) Imma finish eating, then me and M will come to ur dorm, kay?
Me: Kay, cya :)
Berrie: Cya :)

Wow, we use a lot of smiles... Carlos thought, going through his messages with Evie. Then, Jay came out of the bathroom. "Is that my hoodie?"he asked.
"Yeahhhhh..."Carlos replied, smiling.
"You're so adorable." Jay settled down beside his boyfriend, pulling him into a hug. "That's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you." Carlos smile even more, curling into Jay's side.
"I know I'm adorable." Jay laughed slightly with Carlos, before gently pulling him into a gentle kiss. Slowly, the kiss became more heated, Carlos swiping his tongue along Jay's bottom lip, asking for entrance. The son of Jafar gladly accepted, but quickly established dominance. The puppy boy slid a hand up Jay' shirt, running his fingers along the defined abs. "I'm adorable and you're sexy...."Carlos mumbled against his boyfriend's lips. Jay only slightly nodded in response. Getting impatient, the son of Jafar pulled away a little to throw off his shirt before reconnecting lips with Carlos. The younger boy slowly started playing with Jay's belt, sliding it off with his pants. Grinning, the older male pulled off his lover's boxers, keeping a passionate kiss between their lips. He then slid under the cover with Carlos, throwing his own boxers aside in the process. All the chaos was forgotten. Mr Winston was forgotten. The only thing that mattered to the boys was each other.

A few days later, Audrey was getting a surgery, so the spotlight was taken off Jay. This made him smile. Finally, not everybody in the hall was stopping him asking the same question. A question he didn't want to answer. He and Carlos were stronger then ever, and a rumour started that Jay was gonna propose soon. I mean, they were about to leave High School, Carlos was going to college, however, Jay was taking a course in Tourney that just required showing up somewhere every two days, where they'd practise for a few hours before going home. Everybody at Auradon Prep was planning for their graduation, and some even shopping for homes. Mainly the VKs, since they couldn't go stay with their parents. Everything was brighter. Everyone has happier. Finally, Jay and Carlos had their very own happily ever after.


The end! I enjoyed writing this sooooo much. Like, SO MUCH. I've found so many stories of people taking advantage of Carlos and his body, mainly creepy old men and stuff, but I've never found one with Jay. If you have, please tell me. Doesn't have to be on Wattpad. Anyway, I've been writing a new story called 'The Prince's Puppy' which will be out soon! Love you all! ❤️

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