Carvie (Jarlos, Bal)

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Fun fact about me: Carvie was my first ever Descendants ship. I decided to write a One Shot of it because I have hundreds of old stories from when I shipped them, so imma rewrite them here and yeah, enjoy! :) (Dedicated to Evie_Grimhield )

Evie was the most envied girl in Auradon Prep. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to date her. But of course, as in every story, the one guy who didn't want to be with her, she was in love with. No, not Ben. Ben was happy with Mal, she didn't want to interfere with that. No, the guy she was talking about had ombré hair, chocolate brown eyes, freckles and was dating Jane. In case you didn't guess, it's Carlos. Unfortunately, Carlos was a very oblivious person. He didn't notice Jane had a crush on him, he didn't notice Jay was depressed, he didn't notice any of the hints Evie dropped. And, as if luck hated her, every time Evie was around Carlos, she'd mess things up. Whenever they were lab partners, she'd put the wrong chemical into the mix, most of the time ending in an explosion, when they had pretty much any homework project together, she'd spend the whole time looking into his dreamy eyes, wondering if one day she could just- and yeah. You get the idea. Sadly for her, she spent so much time with Carlos and Mal, sometimes she felt like her brain was dead. Mal was the only one who knew about her crush, and found it hilarious. Thankfully, or not so thankfully, something happened that took Evie's mind off Carlos for a while...

It was an ordinary day, so far, at Auradon Prep. It was a Saturday, so no classes! Mal and Evie were sitting quietly in their room, enjoying their free time. Mal was going through her spell book, marking different spells with a slip of paper, while Evie was sewing a new jacket for Carlos, since he'd ripped his last one. "So E,"Mal suddenly began talking. "When you gonna tell ya little crush ya like him?"
"Don't talk like that,"she started,"It sounds weird. I'm probably not gonna, he's happy with Jane." She wiped a small tear from her eye. She was always sensitive to the topic of Jane and Carlos being a couple.
"Don't mean ya can't tell him."
"Mal stop talking like that!! You aren't fucking Harry Hook!!"
"Fine, fine. But seriously, just because Carlos is with Jane and they seem happy doesn't mean he shouldn't know. Maybe he does like you to, but is using Jane as like... a cover up kinda."
"Carlos wouldn't do that to someone. Besides, you remember how nervous he always was around her. He's never acted that way around me..."
"So? Carlos may not be good at covering up his feelings but-" Mal was cut off by said person bashing into the room. "Hey Carlos, what's wrong?" Carlos' face was stained with tears, his hair was messed up and he wasn't wearing any shoes.
"JAY'S DEAD!"he practically yelled.
"What?!"Evie asked, shocked.
"I walked into the bathroom and he was lying on the floor with a knife in his chest!" The poor boy almost fell over, luckily, Mal caught him and sat him on the bed. "He left us a note,"he choked out, handing a slip of paper to Mal. Evie loves from her seat at the desk to sit with them, and the girls read the note:

Dear Carlos, Mal and Evie,
I'm sorry this happened. I'm sorry I did this to you, but I just can't do this anymore. I don't want you to be sad, and please don't cry. You guys are my family, and I'd never want to hurt you. I've been depressed for quite some time now, but you guys were always too busy to notice. Carlos, you were always too busy with Jane wanting every bit of your attention. Mal, you were too busy with being Lady and whatever. Evie, you just never seemed to notice me. It was as if I didn't exist to you. I'm sorry...

Tears were pricking at the sides of Evie's eyes. Carlos was leaning into Mal, crying with her. The three sat there, a sobbing mess, knowing it was their fault. Their fault Jay was gone.

It had been a week since Jay's death, and they were at his funeral. Carlos was crying a waterfall with Mal and Evie, while Jane stood there, annoyed. "Why do we have to be here?"she complained to Carlos. Mal looked disgusted.
"Because it's Jay's funeral!? You didn't have to come, you just came because Carlos did! So stop fucking complaining!"she snapped.
"So-rry, just bored!"Jane replied, rudely. Carlos glared at her.
"You can leave if you're gonna be so disrespectful,"he scolded. Jane was shocked, and so were Mal and Evie. Carlos had never sounded so... mad?
"Who pissed in your cereal?"the daughter of Fairy Godmother mumbled.
"I might ask you the same thing. I thought you'd be nice since my best friend just killed himself!" Dude whimpered at Carlos' feet.
"Well maybe I don't wanna be nice because you always gave him so much attention!"
"I gave him so much attention?! Jane, you literally were with me 24/7! One of the reasons he died was because I didn't give him enough! So stop being such a bitch!"
"How about you stop!? You're the one crying all the time and complaining about how you should've done something!"
"Because my best friend killed himself! I could've done something and of course I'm gonna cry! I miss him! He meant so much to me!" The pair argued for a while until eventually, Jane stormed off, leaving the funeral.
"Wow C,"Mal said, in shock,"I've never seen you so... mad..."
"Well, anyone would've gotten mad at that, right?"Carlos asked, looking at her. She nodded in agreement, before they both turned their attention back to the ceremony.

That night, Carlos slept in Mal and Evie's dorm. He was too traumatised to return to his own, especially alone. He slept on the couch in the corner of the room. Evie could hear his gentle snores, and little sniffles. She was sweating like mad. Only give feet away from her was her crush, asleep. Slowly, she stood up and moved to the corner of the room. It looked like Carlos was having a nightmare. Tears were trickling down his cheeks, he kept shifting from side to side and he was whimpering slightly. Evie gently shook him. "Carlos? Carlos, wake up,"she whispered,"I think you're having a nightmare..." Carlos slowly sat up, wiping tears from his eyes. He nodded slightly. "Aww, what was it about?" Evie sat down beside him.
"It was about Jay... he came back and haunted us for not caring about him..."he whispered, tears flooding his face.
"He wouldn't do that. It's okay, he's safe now. He's happy."
"But I'm not..."
"I know. It's gonna hurt for a while, but I promise things will get better."
"I lost my best friend and my girlfriend, how could things possibly get better?" Evie sighed. Here goes nothing... she thought, before leaning in and locking lips with Carlos.


This isn't edited. I apologise. I just copy and pasted my old story 😂 Yes, me killing Jay has been going on for a while, it isn't new 😂 Once again, this is dedicated to Evie_Grimhield so yeah. Let's hope she reads this. Love you all! ❤️

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