Londrey (Jen)

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Audrey glared at Jay from across the room. Ben had been talking about him earlier, with a tone in his voice that told such longing for the beanie wearing male. She watched him closely, trying to find any fault in anything he did. How did he seem so perfect?! Audrey turned to face her boyfriend who sat beside her. But his attention was on Jay, across the room. He wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was saying, or that his girlfriend was watching him. "Ben?!"she whisper-shouted. Ben snapped out of his trance.
"Huh? Yeah?"he asked, making eye contact with the daughter of Sleeping Beauty.
"What is it with you and Jay?! You keep staring at him and stuff. Are you in love with him?" As she asked the last question, her voice started to crack.
"What n... no..."Ben stuttered. Tears welled up in Audrey's eyes. Class finally ended, and she ran out of the classroom to her dorm. Lonnie was sitting at her desk, writing. The daughter of Mulan looked over at her friend after hearing gentle sobs. Audrey threw herself onto her bed, crying into the pillow.
"What's wrong, Auds?"Lonnie asked, walking over to her friend and sitting beside her.
"Ben's in love with Jay,"Audrey complained, saying the son of Jafar's name with spite and anger.
"Seriously?! Does Jay have feelings back?"
"I dunno, but I bet he does and they'll get together and I'll be nothing again!"Audrey cried. Lonnie pulled her friend into a hug.
"You could never be nothings, Auds. You're so popular and beautiful without him. You don't need him." Lonnie and Audrey smiled at each other. Slowly, they both found themselves leaning in closer and closer, until their lips met.

Meanwhile, Jay was in his dorm room playing video games with Carlos, when there was a knock at the door. "You get it,"Jay said quickly. Neither boys wanted to get up, they were both too comfortable.
"Mmm, no, you get it,"Carlos replied.
"But I'm comfortable..."
"So am I... WHO IS IT!?"Carlos called out.
"BEN,"came the reply.
"JAY!" After hearing his name, Jay groaned before getting up and opening the door.
"Hi Ben,"Jay said,"What's up?"
"Umm... can you come with me for a sec?" Jay quickly glanced back at Carlos who was engrossed in the game. He probably wouldn't notice if Jay left for a moment. The son of Jafar nodded before following Ben down a dark corridor that was a dead end.
"Uhh... why are we here?"Jay asked, now slightly concerned.
"Well... Audrey basically broke up with me..."
"Oh... well sort 'bout that bro, but I'm not really the right person for feelings stuff. Carlos is good at that."
"Well... I'm not looking for comfort. I wanted to talk about the reason she let me..."
"Okay... what was the reason?"
"Umm... well... I kinda like you... as in... more than friends." Jay was shocked. King Ben just confessed his feelings for Jay. Of all people, Jay. Not to say Jay didn't like him back, 'cause he did. Already knowing what to do next, the son of Jafar smashed his lips onto his friend's.


Yay, they updated! *Invisible audience applauds* I loveeee this one! It's so cute 🥺 I really ship Lonnie and Audrey, like, SO BAD. I hope ya'll liked this. Love you all ❤️

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