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Carlos always wore a mask over his mouth. Whether it was summer or winter, he always wore one. They were normally black or white, but sometimes he'd wear a red one. It was the summer holidays and the VKs were staying at Evie's cottage in the forest, Carlos wearing his usual attire, including his mask. Jay was watching the small boy as he read a book. He never told anyone why he wore it. As curious as Mal, Evie and Jay were, they never asked. It wasn't their business. The puppy boy turned the page. Evie was in her studio sewing and Mal was outside doing some art. Dizzy walked downstairs, yawning. "Morning sleepyhead,"Jay said as Dizzy wondered into the kitchen for food. She smiled. Ever since VK day, Dizzy had kept a smile on her face. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Jay opened it to see Jane and Ben. "Hey guys,"he said, letting them in. Jane sat beside Carlos and started talking to him. The son of Cruella put his book down and listened to her. "Mal's outside,"Jay added, pointing to the back door for Ben. The King nodded before heading outside. Jay sat back down and returned to his thoughts. He listened in slightly on Jane and Carlos' conversation.
"Do you think this dress would be cute in a baby pink? Or blue?"Jane asked, showing Carlos a dress design in her phone. Of course. They were going on their first date tonight. Jay sighed.
"You'd look beautiful in both,"Carlos replied. Jay was disappointed in himself. He'd been able to impress everybody but his crush. Not that Jay had tried. Well, he kind of did. He tried to drop small hints of his crush on Carlos, but the younger boy remained oblivious and asked Jane to Cotillion instead. The son of Jafar put his head in his hands, listening to the buzz of his friends conversation.
"I think I'll go with pink,"Jane concluded, "What are you planning to wear?"
"I'm not sure, Evie said she had something 'amazing' planned, but I haven't seen it yet. I don't even know if it's finished." Jay looked up. He could see the happiness in Carlos' eyes. The way he looked a Jane with longing and love. A look that the puppy boy had never given Jay. Carlos never seemed interested in what Jay was saying. It was either because he didn't care or because he thinks all Jay will talk about is girls and Tourney. But he has feelings too. The big bad son of Jafar has problems too. Problems he just wants to talk about, for his best friend to just listen to him. Comfort him like Jay had done for Carlos all those times he had nightmares. All those times the puppy boy remembered his mother, was crying, wanted to talk. Jay just wanted the same attention. The same treatment. Jay was always there for Carlos, but it was never vice versa. Even one time, Jay even asked.

"Hey C, can we talk?"Jay asked, sitting beside his masked friend.
"I'm kinda busy right now, I'm not willing to listen to you talking about Tourney or girls,"Carlos replied, heartlessly.
"It's not about-"
"Oh c'mon Jay, that's all you ever talk about. I don't want to hear about a girl you had sex with, I'm trying to plan a date with my own girlfriend." Jay nodded.
"Okay, don't listen. I'll leave you alone." With that, Jay left the dorm without a backward glance.

Jay remembers that day clearly. He also remembers moments later, Carlos asked if they could talk. But of course, about his own problems. Didn't matter Jay was sad, didn't matter he wanted to die, didn't matter he thought Carlos hated him. Nope. Suddenly, a part of Jay snapped. Why should he always be there for Carlos if it's never vice versa?! Why should he always listen if Carlos won't?! Why should he be a good best friend if the puppy boy doesn't return that love?! He tried to stay calm, but gave up, excusing himself from the room. Not they either of his friends cared. They were to wound up in each other. Jay rushes into his room before the tears started falling. All the times Carlos had opened up to him and Jay had listened, given him advice. It was all clear. Why does Carlos need Jay if he has Jane? He has someone new to open up to now, why talk to Jay? Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, Jay wipes a tear before saying,"Who is it?"
"Carlos,"came a slightly muffled reply. It was hard to hear Carlos' voice through the mask and the door.
"What is it?"
"I need to talk to you. I need advice." Jay was about to accept and let him in when he remembered the reason he was crying.
"What? Why not? I need to talk to you, please Jay. I need advice."
"No, go talk to Evie or Jane."
"But I need your advice, bro. Please."
"Why should I always be willing to listen to you if you never want to listen to me? I have problems too, C, but I always put them aside for you. Even though you never offered to talk about them or anything. I'm sick of it being this way." Silence. Jay heard a small sigh, followed by footsteps. Wow. Even now, when Jay has told Carlos about it all, he still walked away. Still didn't care. Jay broke again, crying. Suddenly, there was another knock. "Who is it?"Jay asked, cringing at how sad his voice was.
"It's Evie, Carlos told me you were upset? Do you wanna talk?" Jay slowly opened the door, letting Evie envelope him in a hug. They sat on the bed. "So, what's bothering you?"
"Carlos is never willing to listen to what I have to say. He always assumes it's about Tourney or girls or whatever, he doesn't think I have problems too. I always hear him out, how come he's never there for me? How come I'm always caring for him and looking after him, making sure he's alright when he never even wants to know how my day went? Why won't he just listen to me for once?"Jay rambled,"He never cares about me, it's always about Jane. Jane this, Jane that. He won't listen to me. Why?" Evie sat there, listening carefully. It broke her heart to hear how her friend had been suffering in silence.
"I'm sure Carlos does care about you. You know he's never been good with advice and feelings-"
"I don't need advice,"Jay cut her off,"I just want him to listen."
"I don't know then. Have you told him this is how you feel?"
"Well, kinda. He knocked on my door saying he needed my advice, and I snapped on him. I told him everything and he just walked away."
"Maybe he didn't know how to react. Maybe he was confused why you'd been hiding all this."
"I'm hiding it because he doesn't want to listen. He never does." Evie was lost for words. She'd always seen Carlos as the one to be there for people, but hearing how he'd treated Jay all this time was a whole new story to her.
"I'm sorry this has been happening, Jay,"Evie finished,"I'll talk to him about it, okay?" Jay nodded, and Evie gave him a small smile before leaving the room. Jay was left alone with his thoughts once again.

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