Umvie (Jaylos, Bal)

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Uma glared across the room. Doug was sitting right next to Evie, her girlfriend, had his hand on her knee and going way to far into her personal a space. The blue haired girl didn't seem to notice. Uma was the only VK who didn't sit by their significant other. She looked ahead to see Ben and Mal leaned in close, working out a question together. Behind her, Jay and Carlos were doing work 'together'. Well, they claim it's together, when everybody already knows it's Carlos working and Jay just copying the answers.
"What did you get for question six?" Uma was snapped out of her thoughts when Harry turned to her.
"Uhh,"she mumbled, looking at her paper,"Fifty two."
"It's fifty six,"Carlos corrected from behind them. Uma read through her working out.
"Oh yeah, so it is,"she muttered, still glaring at Doug and Evie.
"Are you jealous of Doug?"Jay asked, looking up from his paper.
"Pshh, no. Just don't like the way he's touching her,"Uma hissed, not looking at the former-thief.
"You're jealous,"he teased.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!" This continued for a few minuets until the teacher yelled,"Uma! Jay! Would you mind putting your petty argument on hold until my lesson is over!?" The pair both nodded and mumbled apologies before returning to their work.

Later that day, Evie and Uma were sitting in Evie's dorm room, Uma studying while her girlfriend sewed. "Babe?"the ocean queen began, looking up.
"Mhm?"Evie replied, her voice sweet and high.
"You love me, right? Me and only me?"
"Of course, I could never love anyone more then you. Why?"
"Well... I've noticed how in Math, Doug... well... touches you. It's makes me uncomfortable, especially how you never try to do anything about it."
"I just thought that's how Auradon kids showed affection. I'll tell him to stop, he'll understand." The girls smiled at each other, before they got interrupted by a loud moan. They both rushed outside and found the source of the sound. The janitors closet. "Wanna make a bet?"
"Do you think it's Jay and Carlos or Ben and Mal."
"Jay and Carlos."
"Okay, bet $10?" Uma nodded. Evie knocks don't the door. They were answered with a very pissed Jay who yelled,"FUCK OFF!!" Uma grinned and held out her hand.


Where my Umvie fans at? Idk who even ships them tbh 😂 This isn't the best writing I've ever done, but not bad 🥺 Love you all! ❤️

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