Chapter Thirty- And It All Comes Crashing Down

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Chapter 30- And It All Comes Crashing Down

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Chapter 30- And It All Comes Crashing Down

I would be the one to kill Prince Andres. It was the only thing I could think about. The closer we got to the castle, the more it began to fully sink in.

I would have to kill someone. By the end of the night, I would be a murderer.

Was I actually going to do this? This wasn't my fight.

Was I strong enough to overcome him? Even with magic depleting his energy he still had brute strength.

Was I capable enough of pulling this off? Colin and Esen both have magic and can easily defend themselves. They were born with superior powers, it'll be a lot harder to kill them than me. I was a bigger target with my minimal abilities.

I was a plain woman with semi-descent sword skills pushed into a world I was not made for.

I began to doubt if my dream of warrior training was enough to let me succeed or make it out alive. I figured coming out of this fight unscathed would be impossible. My priorities were on survival and leaving the castle alive.

I had plenty to ponder on as we crouched behind small bushes on the outskirts of the castle waiting for nightfall.

Just a few hours and I would be committing an atrocious act that went against my values. Just a few hours and I would ensure no woman becomes his prey.

The next few hours were filled with silence, anticipation and dread. We waited there stoically until darkness surrounded us and the moon was visible.

With the night as our cover, Colin cast the spell to transform us into animals. The disorienting feeling and wave of dizziness slowly dissipated each time he did it.

Once again, we remained close to the ground as chameleons. The sword I held in my hand was transformed as well into a miniature version.

"Do you enjoy chameleons that much?" I asked Colin, the slightest hint of teasing in my voice.

"It's for the camouflage." He says quickly. I laughed at how his whole body turned red with embarrassment.

"Shut up and focus." Esen snapped, though it was hard to be scolded by a lizard. "We only have one shot and this and we better make it out."

Colin and I nodded, taking her warning seriously. Her message was loud and clear, it was all or nothing.

I became very conscious of what we set out to do. At the end of the night, I was going to kill Andres and his blood would be on my hands forever.

Esen did not give me more time to think or get cold feet. She was determined and a woman with a mission. "Let's move." She ordered and we fell into line.

We slithered to the northernmost tower of the castle. Apparently that was where the royal chambers were located. We scaled the roof of the tower into a window a few stories up. Esen's intelligence claimed his room was close by.

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