Chapter Thirteen- Magic Rides

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Chapter 13- Magic Rides

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Chapter 13- Magic Rides

I wake up sluggish feeling like I was coming out of a deep sleep rather than a traumatic death. For once I did not feel like getting up and wished to go back to sleep. Something fuzzy irritated my skin, I batted it away with my hand and groaned when it emerged a second later.

Whatever this was better have been important and not some speck of dust like I thought it was. I reluctantly opened my eyes and found myself staring directly into the big golden eyes of a tiger.

I screamed and leaped backwards. Why do I seem to attract wild animals?

"Nice kitty." I said moving backwards with my hands stretched in front of me. My attempts to calm the beast and draw it away from me proved disastrous since it followed my every move.

I froze as it came closer, there was a faint sound emanating from the beast. It was too low for me to discern if it was a growl.

What surprised me the most was when it began to rub itself against my legs, pushing its head closer to my thigh. It was actually kind of cute if it wasn't so frightening.

I tentatively reached out and touched its head. I was expecting it to jerk back and swallow my hand whole instantly. Instead, it lifted its head to bring my hand closer. Taking that as a sign of security, I began petting it behind the ears.

I recognized the sound more clearly up close, it was like a subtle vibration coming from its throat. I've encountered the same thing among stray cats back home, the hum means they're happy.

I bent to my knees and began petting more of its head, the sound of its purr warmed my heart. Who was I to deny an animal's right to happiness? My hand gently scratched behind its ears and slowly ventured to the side of its neck and its cheeks.

"You're actually really cute you know." I tell the tiger amid vigorous petting. It lifted its gaze and squeezed its head into the palm of my hand demanding more attention.

"You're a needy fella." I laughed, happy to oblige. I took another look at the tiger's face noticing the difference in its eyes. I could have sworn its eyes were brown before, not blue. I shook the thought out of my head. Now I was just being silly, the light must have been playing a trick on me.

However, the tiger did respond well when I spoke to it and it did feel nice to have someone to talk to even if they couldn't reply back.

Still stroking the beast's soft coat, I began airing all of my frustrations with the world. "How many times am I going to live a different life everyday?" My voice was the polar opposite of my words.

"How can I keep going through days unaware of what's happening to me, offered no answers and snapped into the next day before I could fully understand anything?!" My voice could no longer contain its faux cheerfulness and the anger and frustration peeked out.

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