Chapter Eleven- Tower

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Chapter 11- Tower

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Chapter 11- Tower

I woke up with a jolt of my elbow and my head rolling to the side. It was one of the most uncomfortable ways I've woken up so far.

I was leaning in front of a petite window overlooking the sky. My hand was positioned on my cheek in contentment. The view was breathtaking, and for once in a good way.

In the distance, way above the mountains bright lights filled the sky. Lanterns floated through the air, illuminating the night with a light golden pink hue. The sight was beautiful and I couldn't tear my eyes away. Never had I seen so many lanterns at once, nor so exquisitely.

I filled the path of one peeking over the mountains straight ahead. From my vantage point it was no bigger than a pin. I followed its journey drifting upwards until I could no longer differentiate it among the others.

I'd like to think I still saw it rise higher than my view.

Sitting and watching the alluring charm of the lanterns brought a much needed wave of calm over me. There was something relaxing about watching something so delightful and focusing on a particular detail.

With all the craziness of figuring out this curse, I've never had a moment of complete serenity as I just did. Oftentimes my thoughts would overwork me into a frenzy and make my muscles clench in anticipation of something terrible happening.

I remained in this tranquil state watching the lanterns rise. I was broken from the peaceful spell when I looked down.

Seeing how high up I was, I instinctively scooted back away from the window. I was expecting to be relatively close to the ground or a normal height for a house. I was not anticipating being nearly a hundred feet up!

I could have fallen out easily. I berated myself for leaning against the window so carelessly.

Where could I be that would cause me to be somewhere this high? I swallowed nervously realizing I had to look out the window for the answer.

I took tentative steps to the window, taking much longer than necessary out of caution. I peered over hesitantly, my hand barely sticking out of the window.

I've encountered death more often than I would like, mostly from unnatural causes. I was not going to die then and there from falling out a window.

I seemed to be in a tower of sorts. I could faintly hear the sound of running water behind me and could make out the tops of trees directly ahead. This was a place meant to be hidden which did not bode well for me.

How was I going to get help if no one could find me?

I took it upon myself to look for an exit. I was so captivated by the lanterns I failed to notice just how little light they produced amid the evening. I adapted and worked feverishly in the dark to find an exit.

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