Chapter Twenty Two- Every Woman for Herself

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Chapter 22- Every Woman for Herself

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Chapter 22- Every Woman for Herself

I pressed the dagger to his throat. His eyes widened in shock, waking up instantly from the sudden pressure.

He immediately began to struggle but I anticipated this and pinned his arms and legs down, almost straddling him.

"What is going on Jana?" Colin asked, disoriented. "What are you doing?" He thrashed for a few moments against my strong hold and gave up after not moving.

I ignored his questioning and only started talking once he gave into my hold.

"I'm only going to give you one chance to tell the truth." I pressed the dagger into his skin just a fraction more, it was enough for him to flinch from the blade and take me seriously.

"Why are you taking me to Andres?" I forcibly spat out the words.

Colin stared at me unblinking and it frankly unnerved me. "Where is this coming from, I'm taking you away from Andres."

"Lies!" I shouted frustrated from his lack of cooperation. I had a knife to his throat, he should be telling me what I want.

"I'm not." He shot back exasperated and confused.

"Then why are you taking us closer to the castle instead of further as you claimed?" I quickly retorted, throwing my head back in bitter laughter.

Colin looked away, too much of a coward to look me in the eyes. I applied more pressure to the dagger drawing his attention to me, this conversation was not over.

"I'm not an idiot, I can tell we are heading West not East and I will not be seen as a fool."

"I never thought you to be stupid." He said softly as if that makes up for the betrayal.

I scoffed at his answer, withdrawing the blade slightly. "Then why lie?"

Colin froze and became silent once more. I realized he would never give me a straight honest answer.

I applied slightly more pressure to the dragger so it was flush against his throat. I must have placed more strength than anticipated because it pierced his skin causing a small droplet to leak out. I pulled back immediately, I never meant to actually hurt him. I only meant to scare him.

I did not have much time to react because I was suddenly flung backwards by a red light, hitting a tree nearly twenty feet away.

My back collided with the rough bark of the tree and my head hit the base with a forceful impact. My vision began to blur from the throbbing in the back of my head and the ground seemed to be sinning.

He hit me with his magic.

When I was able to see clearly, Colin's shadowy figure was coming closer with his hand outstretched.

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