Chapter 32: Bitter Work

Start from the beginning

I stop his rambling by pressing my mouth to his in a sweet kiss. His lips were slightly chapped and chewed on but it was even better than I had imagined it. I could feel him tense at initial contact, probably from surprise, but he soon relaxed into it, sliding his hands around my waist to bring me closer. His finger tips slightly tickled my slides as I pulled away to reply, "I'm not mad. At all. I never thought you would feel the same way about me."

"I think you're amazing, Havi," Sokka connects our lips again in a more desperate embrace. There was a lot of lead up to this moment and a mutual excitement that we finally made it. I wrap one arm around his shoulder while the other finds it's way to his cheek. When we pull away, I look into his eyes and smile. Sokka uses a hand to gently caress my face. I haven't felt this at ease in weeks.

"Sokka! We're taking your club-sword thing!" Toph shouts, ruining the moment. Sokka gets all tense and I know he's just dying to take it back.

I laugh, "go get it." And with that he runs off after her.

• • •

Later that day, I was back to watching Aang struggle through his exercises. I don't blame him though, Toph was putting him through the worst. "Hey, are you okay?" Katara asks me.

After staring off, it takes a couple blinks to fully process her question, "What? Why?"

"I don't know, you seem a little flushed. Do you feel okay?" She tries to check my forehead but I swat her hand away.

I'm still blushing?? "I'm all good. Promise."

Toph's voice cuts in and ends our conversation, "this time we're gonna try something a little different. Instead of moving a rock, you're going to stop a rock. Get in your horse stance," Aang squats down, "I'm going to roll that boulder down at you. If you have the attitude of an earthbender, you'll stay in your stance and stop the rock, like this," She demonstrates the proper form.

Katara steps forward, "Sorry, Toph, but are you sure this is really the best way to teach Aang earthbending?"

"I'm glad you said something. Actually there is a better way," Toph blindfolds Aang's eyes, "this way, you'll really have to sense the vibrations of the boulder to stop it. Thank you, Katara."

"Yeah, thanks, Katara," Aang spat sarcastically and she nervous laughs.

Toph goes to the top of one of the tall cliffs where a path was dug out for the boulder Aang had to stop. She earthbends it forward and Katara and I watch anxiously as it speeds down towards the airbender. Right at the last moment, Aang jumps out of the way instead of bending it. With an angry look, Toph runs right in front of him as he fumbled, "I guess I just panicked. I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing to say. You blew it! You had a perfect stance and perfect form, but when it came right down to it you didn't have the guts!" She jabs him in the chest.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you are sorry. If you're not tough enough to stop the rock then you could at least give it the pleasure of smushing you instead of jumping out of the way like a jelly-boned wimp," wow, this is going over badly, "Now, do you have what it takes to face that rock like an earthbender?"

"No," Aang hangs his head, "I don't think I do."

"Aang, it's not big deal. You'll take a break and try earthbending again when you're ready," Katara consoles him, "besides, you still have a lot of waterbending to work on, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

Toph waves them off, "Yeah, whatever. Go splash around until you feel better." She walks away.

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