Disaster Date Special 11/13

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"Is this over now?" I asked, "I'm exhausted from all that running around."

"I know exactly what you mean," Kirishima laughed as we both sat facing the now tied up Shrapnel. He was silent, slumped forward and not moving.

To say I was worried would be an understatement but we were waiting for the police to arrive so we couldn't exactly do anything and we most definitely couldn't take him out of the park until the police came with something to restrain his quirk, I mean-- he could just hurt the civilians waiting on the other side of the gates to bombard us with questions and whatnot.

"You guys came at the right time," Ochako smiled before I suddenly had a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind. I smiled and leaned into Katsuki.

"We were worried when he started boasting about killing you two," Midoriya told me and Kirishima, we looked at each other and then laughed.

"Granted if we didn't have Kiri's hardening then who knows what'd happen," I smiled, "but with it there was no way we were going to die."

"Though you did have a nap," he poked me, "and I was stuck as a support beam until you woke up again."

"Well you did just push me down without giving me chance to position myself safely," I retorted.

I noticed Katsuki's grip around me tighten and I placed my hands over his before lifting one up and kissing his knuckles.

"No need to worry, Kat," I mumbled, "I'm not going to die as easily as that guy thought I would've."

"I know," he mumbled into the back of my shoulder, "doesn't make it any less scary."

I smiled before noticing a slight twitch coming from Shrapnel and peeled myself away from Katsuki, grabbing my katana as I moved.

"Something wrong?" Kaminari asked.

We'd done some half assed first aid on him and Sero so they were both pretty out of it, probably will be until we get them properly treated.

"I don't know," I didn't let my gaze move from Shrapnel's form, "You're not going to try anything, are you, Shrapnel? I mean-- you're not going to succeed so just give up."

But that didn't stop him from fidgeting, his movements caused everyone else to get all defensive. Waiting to see what he did, if he tried anything or if he was just trying to get comfortable or something.

Suddenly his mask dropped to the floor and Kaminari and Sero both froze on the spot, not daring to move, their mouths opened and closed but no words escaped. They looked like fish on land. It was weird.

"Kami? Sero?" Mina looked at them questionably.

"D-don't," Kaminari started before they both finally were able to move and threw their hands over their eyes.

"Don't look at his face!" Sero shouted, finishing off Kaminari's sentence.

We looked at their panicked forms, but obviously because they told us not to plus their reactions, we all looked to Shrapnel as he began pulling his head up.

I froze.


His face was the literal depiction of a horror scene.

The left half of his face was scorched and burned to almost no recognition. The skin still slightly flamed strangely. It was contorted and grimy, seeping something that kind of reminded me of oil but not as thick or dark. The right side of his face was totally destroyed. The skin was all torn away and his skull was visible beneath. It was all cracked and looked to be rotten beyond repair. His eye hung from its socket and the bone that should've been protecting his brain was gone... But what was strange was that instead of a brain... There was a black goop that wobbled almost comically at his movements.

Saliva dripped from his skinless half of his mouth uncontrolled and started to form a pool below him. His teeth were yellow and rotten.


"He's..." I couldn't form my words as I moved back, bumping into Mina as I did, "a corpse?"

I am Destruction | Bakugo x reader (kinda) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora