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"Y/n!" Midoriya shouted at me as I just stood on Nomu's shoulders.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you," I glared down at the beast below me, "I'm not your punching bag!"

"Stop y/n!" Kirishima shouted, I noticed that All Might was slowly getting up again, I'm just giving him a bit of recovery time. You'll find that I'm really good at that kind of thing.

"Feet, knees, hands, elbows," I tapped each one of the listed places before pushing myself away and landing perfectly on my feet again quite the distance away, the limbs growing back as All Might stood back up.

"I'll leave him to you," I muttered before turning to Shigaraki again.

"Listen here y/n," Shigaraki started, "you can get everything with us."

I scrunched up my nose and looked over to All Might.

"You didn't hold back, they're kids," he growled from his spot in the hole in the wall. He looked almost as bad as me.

"I didn't have much choice, he was threatening my companion, besides these kids are no angels," Shigaraki shifted his attention to All Might again, "the plain-looking one, he tried to kill me with a maxed out punch, what kind of hero does something like that. You think you can get away with being as violent as you want as long as you say it's for the sake of others. Well, you know what, All Might, that pisses me off! Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgement to what's good and what's evil... You agree, don't you y/n?"

Everyone looked at me. I just gave him wide eyes, why is he dragging me into this?

Oh yeah, my parents.

"You're the symbol of Peace, hah-- you're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence and violence always breeds more violence," he continued his rant, that bit, I have to agree with, "I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."

"You're nothing but a lunatic," All Might finally spoke up, "criminals like you, you always try to make your actions sound noble. But admit it: you're only doing this because you like it! Isn't that right?"

"We've got them outnumbered," Todoroki spoke up, I looked out the corner of my eye to see he, Midoriya, Bakugo and Kirishima were getting ready to run in and fight.

"Don't attack," All Might quickly intervened their planning, "get out of here."

"You would've been in trouble earlier if it wasn't for me, remember? You need our help," Todoroki reminded the hero in front of us.

"I thank you for your assistance, but this is different, it's going to be alright. Just sit back, and watch a pro at work," All Might told us, confidence-boosting his morale high, a bit too high. My time-reversal stopped going and my thousands of injuries came back into view.

I can't fight even if I wanted to.

"Nomu, Kurogiri, kill him," Shigaraki began, "I'll deal with the children."

"Let's clear this level and go home," he said before lunging for me, I didn't have enough time to react as he pulled out an envelope from his pocket and grabbed me, leaving both his pinkie fingers up as he hid it deep in my clothing.

"You might want to take a look at that before you decide who's team you want to be on," he whispered to me, one pinkie started to go down before I placed my hands on one of his extra hands, they crumbled and he backed away from me. I looked to where he'd hidden the envelope before I found myself being swept out of the way and thrown in between Todoroki and Midoriya.

"What just...happened..?" I mumbled to myself, placing my hand were the envelope was sat. I'm glad my clothes are Quirk suppressors or they would be literally nonexistent right now.

All Might threw a punch and it was countered by Nomu, however, every hit brought a new wave of pressure as they connected sending us flying.

"Crap," I cursed as I tried to get a grip on something but my Quirk obviously didn't want that, Todoroki jumped up and caught me, both of us crouching on the ground as we watched All Might take Nomu out. It was impressive.

However, Shigaraki was freaking angry, like he was shaking with anger not to mention the scratching. Oh, the scratching-- I cringed at the noise of him scratching his obviously very dry skin.

"Someone stop him," I shivered involuntarily at the sound. All Might just taunted the villains, Todoroki pulled my nonbroken arm around his neck and wrapped his other arm around my waist before pulling me up as the weaker villains that Aizawa had taken out started standing up again. But when we turned to deal with them Midoriya went jumping over to Kurogiri.

"No, he's going to open a gate," I pushed myself off Todoroki and sprinted forward, sliding underneath Midoriya as the gates opened and Shigaraki's hand came out the one closest to Midoriya.

"Watch out green top, I might catch you!" I called up before jumping and swinging a kick down onto Shigaraki's hand and knocking Midoriya's head slightly as I fell back down just to almost get shot.

We all looked up at the entrance to see the other teachers with Iida.

"Time to go," Todoroki slid over and grabbed me.

"Oh man, the pros are here, it's game over. Let's go home to try an--" two bullets cut Shigaraki's speaking off but Kurogiri quickly grabbed him, 13 tried to suck him up with his quirk but failed terribly.

After that it was clean up, the pros got all the villains knocked out and tied up as Todoroki started to rant before I was picked up off him by Cementoss and passed over to someone else. Let's just say, I passed out, and thank god I did, it was starting to get painful.

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