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"Attention everybody, stay in line and promptly move into position, I want to see order!" Iida demanded as we walked to the meeting zone where the whole year group will get to listen to Principal Nezu yammer on for a good while.

Right now, I'm feeling extremely jealous of Katsuki and Midoriya.

"What?" I asked, seeking an explanation as to why Katsuki was still in his lounging around clothes.

"I told you, I'm on house arrest for four days," he grumbled as Midoriya came over with a duster.

"And me for three," he chimed in.

"The hell did you even do?" I asked utterly confused.

"We got into a fight," they both replied bluntly but not as bitter as I thought they would, honestly, with the way they were acting, I was expecting something like 'We almost killed each other' at least that sounds moderately normal to their characters.

"And we've got to get going so..." Kirishima grabbed me by the shoulders and sheepishly steered me away from the two, "we should probably get to the assembly now."

The assembly? Oh crap, not the assembly...

"Hello everyone!" Nezu snapped me out of my appropriately timed flashback with his usual cheerful self, "it's me, the small mammal that you all know and love: the principal! You may notice the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. I haven't been taking care of it."

Is that all he's called us out here for? To talk about his fur? What kind of stupid nonsense is that?

"This is something that can happen to humans too, even if you have a balanced diet, full of vitamins and minerals, you won't have a mane of luscious locks unless you get lots of sleep. That's the secret!" he continued, is it just me that's confused? Why is he-- wait, is this because of Katsuki and Midoriya? If it is, I'm going to kill them. I hate listening to this guy just ramble.

"Disturbances in your normal resting pattern is extremely terrible for your hair! So if you want to improve your furs looks, make sure you keep a good sleeping schedule in place!" Nezu continued as I noticed Kaminari had begun to massage Ojiro's tail like it was a normal thing to do.

This is...so weird...

"My own sleep cycle has been upset by the incidents that took place over the summer holidays, and I'm sure everyone here already knows all about them so I won't go into any more detail," he continued to talk, I guess he's finally moving onto a proper topic, "we lost our pillar of hope... The ramifications of which have arrived much faster than I ever could've imagined...and there will likely be much more chaos in the future. In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you studying in the hero course."

That is if we actually survive until graduation, I mean, come on. The villains basically have it out for class 1-A and we've only been here three quarters of a year. It's so tiring.

(I'm bored and I can't remember what the rest of nezu's speech want and quite frankly, I can't be bothered to find it, I'm positive he mentioned the hero work studies, so we all already know all about that, sooo...)


I sighed and melted into my desk. Yep, I'm ready to go to sleep.

Aizawa came in not much later, the usual gloom like atmosphere spinning around him.

"Sit down," he ordered, everyone took their seats, "OK, we're going to be resuming our regular classes and training schedule."


"I know a lot has happened recently, however, you need to switch gears and focus on all your school duties," Aizawa started his speech, yay too monologues in one day, how will I ever cope.

... If you can't tell, I'm too tired for all this talking this early in the morning.

"We're lecturing today, however, this term, you'll have harsher training than before," he continued, oh that's just brilliant.

Mina started whispering to Tsu and suddenly a demonic aura surrounded the hero at the front, his hair levitating up as well as his scarf. Guess he's just as tired as me... Huh, who would've guessed? Though, I'm thinking his is a different kind of tired.

"Something you'd like to share with the class, Ashido?" he asked, 'annoyed' clearly written across his face.

"Eek-- his icy stare is back," Mina squealed before Tsu's hand raised up with a curt 'excuse me' which seemingly calmed Aizawa back to his gloomy self and Mina looked at her curiously.

"May I ask a question? What were those things the principal was talking about during the opening ceremony? I've never heard the term 'hero work studies' before," she brought up a good point which then, of course, triggered mindless chatter about the subject to ring from my fellow classmates.

"I was planning to talk about those at a later date," Aizawa sighed, "but, considering the situation, I suppose telling you now would make much more sense."

He looked like he was ready to drop some awkward ass, terrifying secret onto us. His face was just that depressing... Whoa... Live a little, Aizawa.

"To put it simply, it's work outside of class," he told us. That's it? Did you build up the suspension for that? Just 'work outside of class', well no shit, I think we intelligent (not dunce Kaminari) students could easily figure that out ourselves.

"Like the internships you did at pro hero agencies before, however, it's closer to the real thing," Aizawa continued. Does that mean I'd have to go all the way back to America? No way, that's just... No. Not on my bucket list to do once more, well not right now at least. Maybe in the future, yes, but now? No way...

"Wait so why did we work so hard at the sports fest?!" Ochaco suddenly burst out loudly from in front of me, I swear if she leaned any more forward, she probably would've knocked Iida right out with the force she put into that arm upswing.

"She has a point... If we have work studies, those who weren't scouted at the sports festival still have career paths," Iida, seemingly not noticing the angry girl waving her arms around behind him, thought out loud as Ochaco seemed to blow a fuse and malfunction? I guess?

"You'll be using your connections from the festival to secure a work-study. It's basic networking," Aizawa replied with a nonchalant shrug, "this isn't part of your normal classwork. It's discretionary for each student. That means, all of you who weren't scouted at the sports festival, will have a hard time lining one up I'm afraid."

Or you're me, who got thousands of requests.

"Originally, agencies recruited on their own but there was an incredible amount of competition as people pushed to recruit UA students, so this is how things ended up being settled," he continued to explain, sounds stressful, "good enough Ochaco?"

"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, sir," she apologised before sitting back down.

"Now you have your provisional licences, you can assist in real ways for longer periods of time. Until now, there haven't been many first-years to receive their licences," he continued, "with the increased activity of villainy, we're currently exploring the idea that you students will be able to participate in work studies as well. We'll explain more about the work studies positions and what that programme entails at a later date. But for now, we've got other things to worry about."

Like what?

Failing grades?

"That's all, sorry to keep you waiting," Aizawa's attention turned to the door.

Uh... What?

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