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The door slid open and in walked Present Mic.

Well, I will definitely be woken up now.

"First period: English!" he shouted, no.......... "meaning, it's my time to shine! It's been a century since I stood on this stage, you miss me?"

Not... Really... (I'm joking Hizashi you're my favourite character >~<)

"We've got a lot to cover today so let's get rolling with it, you dig?" he continued to talk loudly, no. I do not "dig", please stop.


I stopped practising my paralysis aura and rubbed my arms as a muscle quaking aching shot through my them.

"T-that hurts," I grumbled, wincing slightly, "is that from my stupid quirks?"

I was about to take a step forward when pain shot up my leg from where a new scar had appeared this morning.

Instead of continuing, I pulled my phone out.

"Here's my number, call me if there's any pain," the doctor told me, I took the card and put the number in my phone before leaving the hospital for good.

Three rings later and he answered.

"Dr Dr speaking, how can I help?" his voice flooded through quickly, it was slow indicating he was tired. Like, really tired.

"It's me, f/n l/n," I announced, "you told me to call if there was any pain."

"Ah, miss l/n, how much pain?" he asked, I moved my arm just for an excruciating wave to pass over me.

"Not much but its there," I lied, if I tell him there's a lot then I'll get pulled out of UA, I don't want that. If I was just going to lie, why did I call in the first place?! Stupid, y/n, stupid.

"Mind coming to the hospital tomorrow morning for a few tests?" he asked, "it'll only be a few so there's no need to worry too much about missing a lot of school."

I hummed and started walking to Aizawa's dorm.

"It shouldn't be a problem, I just need to get off-site permission," I replied, entering the building and going to the second floor. I reached his room and knocked.

"What?" Aizawa with his hair tied up approached the door sluggishly.

"I think I caught you at a bad time," I pointed out the obvious before shaking my head, "never mind. Uh-- I need permission to go to the hospital tomorrow morning."

I muted my phone so Dr Dr couldn't overhear the conversation.

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" Aizawa asked with a frown.

"They just want to do a quick check-up, you know, because of the kidnapping scenario?" I lied, a bad habit is appearing, "they just want to check up on how I am and all that jazz."

"I suppose," he mumbled, "send a message to me if anything happens."

Send a message?

To who?

Your non-existent contact?

As if he was reading my mind, he scribbled a number onto a piece of scrap paper and passed me it before slamming the door shut and leaving me in the middle of the hallway, holding my muted call and a scrap piece of paper like a right fool.

Unmuting my phone, I bring it to my ear.

"I'll see you tomorrow."


"Heading out?" Mina called from the dining room as she ate the food I'd laid out for everyone (her share obviously).

"Yeah," I nodded, grabbing everyone's attention, especially a certain blonde house arrested hot head boyfriend of mine.

"You have class," he growled to me, "what is more important than class?"

"None of your business," I replied, tying my laces and stretching before going to grab the door.

"Like hell it's none of my business," Katsuki growled as he stomped over to me, "I'm your boyfriend so I'm obliged to know what's happening."

I gave him the deadest expression I could muster.

"Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you need to know about every tiny fucking detail in my life, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to miss my train," I pushed myself out of the building and started walking out the school grounds, shoving my hands in the black jeans after pulling the collar of my f/c hoodie up a bit more as a bitter wind whisked past me.

Stupid Bakugo.

Bakugo's PoV

"Boyfriend?" Kirishima repeated, "wait-- when?"

"Shut up, shitty hair," I growled before stomping up to the dining table and grabbed my food before eating it and getting to work again.

Stupid y/n.

"That's old news Kirishima," Mina laughed slightly, "remember?"

"Oh yeah," he laughed awkwardly.

You can't just disappear with no explanation, we haven't even talked properly recently, or ever. Come on, you need to talk to me for this to actually work.

"It works both ways, Bakugo," Yaoyorozu or whatever her name was told me, "you both need to try communicating with each other. If that means you have to start, then so be it."

"Fuck you, I didn't ask for your opinion," I growled, slamming the washing(/laundry) room door shut before turning and angrily doing my stupid washing.

"Die..." I growled, throwing the shirt in my hand into the washing machine. What the hell..? Shouting 'die' is just a natural fucking reflex now, what the fuck?

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