Disaster Date Special 9/13

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Mina's PoV

"Look over there," I pointed over to a silhouette in the distance, "is that Bakugo?"

"Looks like-- whoa-- no that's Bakugo!" Sero and Kaminari began freaking out as the figure started approaching us. Shrapnel.

Why does this feel like a messed up game of hunter and hunted?

"Oh, you're still alive," Shrapnel spoke up when he noticed us, "I really thought I got you guys. I know that I've taken down that stupid Red Riot and the defenseless Destruction. So how did you two evade my bombs?"

"Y/n and Kirishima..." Uraraka whispered from beside me.

"They'll be fine," Kaminari muttered, "Kiri isn't that easy to take down no matter what hits him."

"You're right," I nodded before carefully unhooking Sero from under me, "Uraraka, it seems its our turn to have some fun!"

"Right," she nodded as she let Kaminari go and we stepped ahead of them.

"Be careful! Don't look at his face!" Kaminari urged.

"We got it," we both nodded before getting ready to fight.

"Alright," I nodded, "let's have some fun."

I ran forward and the jumped

3rd Person PoV

When Mina landed again, acid from her feet allowed her to skid across the ground quickly, sliding from side to side like she was on ice.

Shrapnel threw his hands out and a bunch of small black spheres fell out. They rolled across the floor and suddenly jumped up on four spike like legs each, scuttling towards the pink haired hero.

Uraraka sprinted forward and jumped up, placing a hand on Mina and then one on herself, activating her quirk and making them both float as the explosions along the floor rung out.

"Release," she muttered and the two fell to the floor again.

The two continued to close in the gap between the villain and themselves.

They didn't see any significant difference between last year and now, Shrapnel was just about the same strength as he was last time. They didn't understand why Kaminari and Sero struggled so much against him, or y/n for that matter.

But then, they hear a laugh, a single laugh, tear from Shrapnel and both paused.

Shrapnel put his right hand out in a finger gun position and then said a single word:


A large explosion tore up the surface of the floor, Uraraka quickly grabbed Mina as she made herself float and then reached out for Sero and Kaminari.

"Guy! Grab me!" she shouted, the two reached forward and grabbed her, all four floated as another large explosion shook the area.

"What the hell is that?!" Mina shouted, pointing into the floor where something that resembled two red eyes peered up at them. They floated above it and looked down as the smoke cleared just to see a large sphere of black with a red screen counting down.


"Don't tell me--" Uraraka stared at the counting down clock in horror.

"That's right, Uravity," Shrapnel let out a maddened laugh, "that is my ultimate weapon! It's got the power of six atomic bombs! Do you think this whole area could handle such an explosion?"

"He's going to...kill everyone," Kaminari commented.

"I can't even begin to imagine how much damage that would create," Sero stared at the countdown.

"We need to warn Midoriya and Bakugo," Mina said, "before they accidentally set that thing off."

"Do you think y/n could stop it if it set off?" Uraraka asked as she landed them safely on the ground again, "with her time quirk."

"Maybe," Sero nodded as a mess of blonde and green came charging through the now very open area of destruction.

"Those explosions were huge," Midoriya shouted as they both stopped and stared at the bomb in the floor, "w-wait a minute-- what is...that?"

"A bomb," Sero replied, "one that could take this whole area off the map."

"You have to be careful with your quirks," Kaminari told Bakugo and Midoriya, "me as well. Last thing we need is to accidentally set that thing off."

"When did he even get the time to put that there?" Mina asked, "that's the question."

"What time did you get the notification that he was here?" Bakugo asked Kaminari.

"We had been here for an hour, so it was two hours after the park had opened," Kaminari replied, "he put this here as well as all the other bombs all around the park."

"Impressive work ethnic, I guess," Sero shrugged.

"Nows not the time for your dumbassery," Bakugo glared, "we might need more help this time."

Everyone stared at Bakugo with wide eyes. They knew that if Bakugo was saying they needed help, then they needed help.


"Hey, Red Riot, are you finished with your fangirls?" y/n stood with her katana in her hand, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently, "we kind of have to get back in there, you know?"

"I--" Kirishima tried to move but he was currently in a swarm of Red Riot fangirls, "help!"

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