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Provisional Licence Exam_
1st test_

I looked around to see all our schools just separated and keeping to themselves in a crowd of their classmates.

"Guys," I got my classes attention as we finished attaching our targets, "these people are going to know our quirks, and I have a feeling UA is going to end up being the number one targets because of that."

The realisation dawned on everyone.

"So I'd say, stay in groups and protect each other," I suggested, everyone nodded, except Bakugo who looked like he was ready to shout: 'don't tell me what to do, bitch!' before he shut his mouth and looked away. I also looked away and sighed. This is so stupid, I'm so stupid, why did I run away from him?

How frustrating!

"I'm going to stay by myself though," I announced, "no offence, but unlike you guys, this exam was basically made for me and my time quirk so... If you get in my way, I might accidentally catch you guys instead of my target. So yeah. Don't stick around me."

With that, I walked away to an empty space in the walless and roofless room and looked around everyone. Some interesting quirks here, that's for sure. I know I can probably come in first place today, as long as someone finds me straight away. If I find someone five or ten minutes in then I'm most definitely going to fail.

It's all depending on the timing. I need to be attacked first.

"I'm sure that each of you have different terrains that you're best at or terrible in, so use your quirks well and do your best," Mera mumbled exhaustedly as he started to leave the now opened up room and out of the arena that had life-size areas, cities, rocky zones, factory areas, water-covered areas, and a crap ton more. They really put a lot of effort into this whole exam, didn't they?

"Or not, whatever," he muttered, this whole area is just really unnecessary, "yes, I know, it makes for a great reveal, doesn't it? And for what? So much sleep loss for this..."

Poor guy...

"Hopefully some of these kids are fast and can complete this until then, I'm going to rest my eyes," he groaned exhaustedly.

He didn't really tell us how long we have on this so I hope we get some kind of warning.

Everyone started running somewhere, I just stayed in the middle, thinking. I probably look like a cocky idiot, or just a 100% fool, however, I am doing this for a reason.

I have to be attacked first for myself to succeed. I need to know my opponents' quirks. So I'll play defence until I know what it is.

"The first test will now begin."

No time limit, I guess.

3rd Person PoV

As soon as the siren blared as a shower of red balls were rained down on y/n who was just stood in the middle, not really caring.

The people who threw the balls smirked.

"We're so going to pass this quickly," one of them laughed loudly as y/n's dominant hand grasped the handle of her katana.

She pulled the blade out faster than any eyes could follow and swiped the air and then placed the katana back quickly. The balls all fell to the ground in halves.

"You didn't think about my possible improvements, bad move," y/n muttered before turning around and looking at the four people before her, "I have four people I can get. Perfect. I won't lose like this."

"Looks like all the students are still in the stalemate. Not one of them has passed yet. Oh, and students, I'll keep you updated every time a student moves onto the next round." Mera announced over his mic, despite the fact that the test had literally just started.

Y/n looked at them all as they started using their quirks. One guy grew ten feet taller and threw a foot down on where y/n was stood. She looked up at the giant's foot and activated her time quirk, her eyes glowed green as she turned time back and walked out of the way. The whole world around her moving ten times slower than what the real speed should've been.

She stopped slowing downtime and watched as the foot slammed down onto the floor beside her, creating a giant wave of dust and wind. Y/n smirked and threw up three balls before pulling her sword and sheath off her belt and swung it at the three balls, aiming for the three targets on the giant and sending them up at them. She slowed time down again on the giant, her three balls knocked her opponent out of the round and she smirked.

"You didn't think this through very well," y/n muttered confidently, "did you even remember my quirk? Or did you just choose to ignore it because I got kidnapped, automatically labelling me weak?"

She glared at the other three and noticed the creepy kid was glowing, really really bright. Y/n shielded her eyes before anything could happen and then opened them when the light died down.

"Damn, I thought I could get you faster," the kid grumbled.

"His quirk was giant, and yours must be stunning light, right? I've heard a lot about that kind of quirk. Apparently, the light can reach as bright, maybe even brighter than the sun at close view," y/n commented before going back in time and then walking over to where her next target was standing. Looking around for the girl who'd just disappeared.

A second later, y/n reappeared right in front of him and hit the target on his chest before slowing time down and catching the target on his arm and then his forehead.

"I pass," she commented, turning time back to normal.

"It's about time someone perked up and passed. F/n l/n has passed the exam," Meda announced as y/n walked to the rest zone.

"That was just too easy," she muttered to herself.

"Y/n has already passed?" Midoriya mumbled as all of UA shared a glance, "she wasn't kidding when she said this test was basically made for her quirk."

"Yeah! That's awesome!" Mina cheered.

"She is in your class?" one of the Ketsubutsu Academy High School kids facing them commented, "I guess there really might be someone worth noting down for next round. F/n l/n, she was the one with two quirks... What was it..? Oh-! Time and Destroy, right? I guess she is really good at evasion and sneak attacks. Sucks you guys won't be meeting her in the next round..."

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