What time is it? (37)

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I stumbled out of bed to the living room and opened the door.

Hunter was leaning against the doorframe his fluffy ginger curls pushing against the wall, when he saw me his eyes went wide. "Geez sorry did I wake you?"

"What time is it?" I asked my eyes droopy.

I need my beauty sleep to function okay?!


"In the morning?!" I panicked, I was so late for school.

"No! Ten pm." He Laughed.

"Oh in that case no. You didn't wake me up," I said looking down at myself. I was still wearing my clothes then I patted down my hair.

What he doesn't know won't hurt him

"Okay, then whatever you say." He smirked.

"Anyway, what's up?" I smiled, trying to do my best 'I've been awake for several hours' voice.

He pushed himself off the wall and smiled rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Can we go for a chat?"

"Sure. Are we going to chat inside or outside?"


I nodded and turned back into my apartment to grab my stuff.

"So what do you want to talk about," I asked.

He shook his head. "I need a smoke first." He grinned reaching into his pocket as we walked through the halls and I rolled my eyes.

We got in the elevator and he pressed a button with a line across it. I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"Trust me." He smirked and put a cigarette in his mouth just before the elevator dinged and opened we were outside. Only we were extremely high up. we were on the roof. It was filled with fairy lights and fancy white flowers with benches and a little seat at the edge.

"Wow, I didn't know this place existed," I said, looking over to him as he lit his cigarette with furrowed brows then took a quick puff in and out.

"This used to be Mrs Allard's project before she died." He waved pointed to the lilies that littered the roof with his cigarette still smoking in his hand. "Liam looks after it now,"

As we got closer to the edge you could start to see the other Skyscrapers that this one towered over and how the sun was almost out of view. It turned the sky orange and the clouds pink.

I looked over to Hunter. The sun was gleaming on his skin and hair. He looked over at me with a smile.

"Anyway, I just wanted to talk about Lucas." He mentioned as he leaned his big arms on the railing taking another puff.

That's when the memories came rushing back of when he had caught us kissing and I felt my face burn.

"Oh," I mumbled as my face burned a little.

"You have a big decision to make." He mumbled looking out into the sunset.

"What do you mean?" I came next to him, the metal railing was cold against my skin but I ignored it.

"Lucas told me about Leo." Hunter turned to face me with a slightly irritated thrown, it wasn't like him, he was also cocky and happy. But suddenly shame rushed into me.

Hunter was Lucas' best friend, of course hearing that I kissed both of them on the same day would upset him.

But in a couple of seconds, he smirked and shook his head, "Jesus Jess you're looking at me as if I'm about to murder you, calm down." He snickered and I scowled at him.

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