38. Tell him

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<Letty's POV>

"Come here Let, we're all gonna be here for you," Leon and Jesse both joined the hug.

Only Mia didn't move from her spot.

"Who's the father?" Mia asked. Her voice was so monotone and unaffected that it sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Is it him?" She pointed at Deckard angrily. 

"Woah, woah, calm down," he replied, clearly upset by Mia's defensive reaction about my pregnancy. Why was Mia so upset? 

"What if it were?" I started to get angry. 

"So you cheated on Dom with this one?" She pointed at Deckard. 

"Are you serious right now? Dom is the one who left and abandoned not only me but all of us. So don't you dare put the blame on me."

"So it is Shaw's?" 

"No, it's not it, unfortunately, is half asshole."

The whole room was waiting for Mia's reaction. "I'm going to be an aunt," she jumped up and hugged me. I laughed. That's what this was all about. 

"You're gonna be a great aunt Mia," I hugged her back. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you about Dom." 

"No, I'm sorry. It's not your fault that he still talks to you but not to me." 

"What are we waiting for, let's celebrate!" Vince shouted hugging me again. In the end, Deck was right, this was my family.


"You have to tell him!" Mia was yelling as she followed me into my room. Ugh, how I hated this room. Everything just screamed Dom. 

"No!" I yelled back just as loud. This screaming can't be good for the baby, I heard Deckard say in my head. Over the past few weeks, he had become the baby expert and was looking out for me and the baby like a guardian angel. 

"He's the father."

"The absent father." 

"Maybe he would come back if he knew about the baby." 

"And then he'd be the prison daddy?" I asked, already imagining Dom behind bars again. "Nothing would change about my situation if he knew."

"But his situation would change," Mia said. 

"He'd have a child on his conscious and nothing he can do to help. That can't be good for him either," I tried to reason. To my surprise, Mia agreed with me. 

"I know. But how and whether it affects him is not your decision to make. He deserves to know."

Fuck, she was right. Ugh, I hated how convincing Mia always was. 

"Fine. But I'm telling him." 

So we waited for two weeks until Mia finally got a call from him. It was safer that way.

"Hey, it's me," his raspy, deep voice said. Hearing him again for the first time in 7 months, was a feeling I couldn't properly put in words. It felt like my soul was lit on fire, my thoughts drowning in water, my lungs finally starting to breathe, but my heart screaming in pain. 

Mia saw my pained reaction and took my hand into hers. 

"Hey, um-," Mia stuttered a little. "Letty needs to talk to you." 

"No!" He immediately objected. 

"It's important, please Dom." 

"I told you that I'm not talking to her."

"Okay you tell him," I whispered to Mia, knowing that once Dom had put his mind to something, he couldn't be convinced otherwise. 

"Fine, then just listen to me. Three weeks ago, Letty found out-"

"Enough, Mia," Dom started to yell. "I've been clear about this. I only call to check up on you. No one else."

"Dom, just listen to me," Mia pleaded. 

"No, just don't Mia."

"Dom-" I tried talking to him but I couldn't even continue before I heard the phone beep, telling us that he had hung up. 

I felt all my doubts and insecurities crash down on me. Suffocating me with my own thoughts. 

"I think it's time for me to move out Mia," I paused for a moment. "I can't stand to sleep in that room anymore." 

She nodded. We both knew that this was about me trying to distance myself from Dom. 

"Where are you going to go?" She asked. 

"Don't know," I shrugged my shoulders. So I packed my stuff and moved out the same day. 

"Don't try to tell him again," I said to Mia before getting into my car driving to Deckard's house. 


"Can I move in here for a while?" I asked shyly, holding my suitcase standing next to me in the empty driveway. 

"Of course," his arms that I had gotten so comfortable in pulled me in for a hug. 

And that's how I learned that it doesn't matter how long you've known a person. I knew Dom my whole life and yet he didn't want to talk to me. Deckard, who I had grown close to only a few months ago, opened up his home to me and my baby. 

Every morning he made me breakfast. Taught me about pregnancy, calmed me down when the pressure or the thought of raising the child was getting too much, and held my hand when I was scared. But being so close with a friend can be dangerous. You start interpreting things. You start getting used to the feeling of your hands touching or their voice next to you in the morning. And before you know it, you're falling in love. 

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