46. In my head

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<Deckard's POV>

I came home late, as usual, locking the door behind me, standing in complete silence for a minute, looking at the skyline of LA. It was already dark but you could see the lights of the nightlife still lighting up the city. Working as an engineer and software developer wasn't easy for me. My whole life I had been used to heavy manual work. First in the navy, then joining the seals. Even after I had quit the seals, well rather got fired by the seals, I still moved a lot. Involved in dozens of street fights, racing professionally, I was always on the move. Most of the time on the wrong side of the law.

But when Letty and then Tony came along, I gave up that life and started to do something that could provide them without the risk of me going to jail. I knew that it was the right thing to do but still I always had the urge to go back to a life full of adventure and bullets.

Don't get me wrong, I love Letty and Tony both and would never even consider leaving them. I just had to accept that this part of me, who wanted to live that dangerous life would have to stay unfulfilled.

"Deck?" Letty's sleepy voice pulled me out of my thoughts. What was she doing on the couch?

"Letty, why are you still up?"

I turned on the lights, revealing her tear-stained face. "Hey, what's wrong?" I sat down next to her on the couch, pulling her into my arms.

"Dom knows."

God, that dude was really fucking everything up. I couldn't lose Letty. I knew I was being selfish by thinking about me first but I had always feared that I would lose Letty to Dom, just like my brother did years ago.

<When Deckard and Letty first got together>

"I'm surprised that you're here."

"What? I can't come to visit my brother in prison?"

He shrugged. He looked rough. Multiple cuts on his face, a black eye, and a slight limp in his walk.

"I thought you'd have everyone under your control by now."

He smiled. "I do. You just wait and see. I'll be out of here soon." At that time, I thought of it as an empty promise but surprisingly he would get out a few months later by cutting a deal.

"So, why are you here Deckard?" He asked. He knew that there was a specific reason for my visit.

"I'm going out with Letty."

For a few seconds, he didn't move. He just kept staring at me intensely, which honestly scared the shit out of me. I knew that he wouldn't win in a physical fight against me but still, I was worried that he would perceive this as a betrayal of our brotherhood.

Then, he did something that I never expected. He started laughing. Not a short chuckle, but in the way you laugh when you know something bad is going to happen. As if he knew something that I didn't.

"Something funny, Owen?" I inquired.

"You know she's gonna leave you, right?"

"We have a daughter Owen."

"You got her pregnant?" He stared at me in disbelief.

"No, it's Dom's."

His previous grin started to reform on his face. "That's exactly what I mean, Deckard. She's going to leave you. The moment he comes back and starts paying attention to her, she's going to run to him no questions asked."

"That's not gonna happen. Just because it happened to you doesn't mean it will happen to me," I replied.

"It doesn't matter if it's you, me or anyone else in this world. For all I know she could be with Johnny Depp and it didn't matter because she will always chose Dom over anyone else. You know that!"

"Nobody knows that," I replied with a little doubt in my voice. I knew that that wasn't a convincing answer.

"You're a bad liar, Deckard. She loves Dom in a way she can't love anybody else. You know it and I know it. You guys have an expiration date."

After that, we basically just continued staring at each other until a guard took him back to his cell. Even though my brother had no idea what was going on between me and Letty and therefore had no clue about how she felt and what was going to happen, I couldn't help but feel insecure.

<back to present>

Even now, years later, I still hadn't forgotten his words from back then.

"What are we going to do?" Letty asked me.

"Do you want to tell Tony?" I asked.

"No!" she yelled. Just like me she immediately looked at Tony's door, hoping that her outburst didn't wake her up. "I mean, she knows that you're not her biological father but she doesn't care. She never asked who he was, so why should I tell her?"

As much as this was hurting me, I had to think about what's best for Tony. "Because he is back and she should have the option to get to know him, if she wants to."

"I don't want Dom to know her."


"Because he is an asshole and he's gonna hurt her."

"Are you afraid that he's going to hurt her or are you afraid that he is going to hurt you?"

Letty gave me deadly stare. I knew that I was crossing some boundaries by bringing up her vulnerability towards Dom.

"Look, Letty, I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable or step on your toes but we need to think about what's best for Tony. Maybe she wants to know. Maybe Dom wants to have a real relationship with her. I think you need to talk to him."

She just grumbled something that I couldn't understand, which meant that she was begrudgingly agreeing with me. I kissed her on the top of her head and pulled her into my arms. This was going to be okay, right?

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