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I entered the house and I was shocked. 

Just as I entered the house right in front of me, I saw a wall were Happy birthday was written and there were balloons all around it along with LED fairy lights, it looked just so pretty and the lights were still switched off so it looked even beautiful. 

Suddenly the lights went on and I twirled around to see who switched it on. 

"Happy birthday" I heard a voice and turned behind and I was even further shocked. 

"You?" I asked. 

"Yes, Dishi me." she said. 

"Chill, I didnt do all this, your husband did it for you, my Harry did it for you." she said with venom in her voice. 

"Go - I mean Hardik is not here, as per his last story he is in Bangalore." I said. 

"He is here, and he did this for you." she said. 

"Di -"I stuttered. 

Gorilla did this for me? I thought that he didnt even remember my birthday. 

"Divorce him now." she screamed standing up from the sofa. 

"Di what?" I asked. 

"I said divorce him now." she screamed. 

"I dont have the papers." I said. 

"You think that I am a fool?" she asked. 

"The papers, I made them and now you sign them." she said. 

"But why?"  I asked. 

"I said divorce him so I can get married to him." she said. 

"How did you get in?" I asked horrified. 

"You think you know Harry ha? He keeps the keys bellow the mat so he doesnt loose them some where, so getting  in was quite an easy task." she said. 

I didnt know that. 

"I know you didnt know that babes now sign the papers." she said slapping them on my face. 

"Di but I cant." I said. 

I remember him telling that he doesnt want me to talk about divorce or think of it before asking him. 

"You wont sign the papers ha? What do you think, he blew five balloons for you so he loves you?" she asked. 

No he doesnt love me, but he does care, and I have felt it.

"He has held parties for me on my birthdays, this is nothing for him, he is just missing doing things he used to do for me." she said. 

"Di he said he doesnt want to marry you."I said firmly, I need to take a stand. 

"He is just trying to forget m but he loves me too much to do so." she said. 

"How can you say that?" I asked. 

"He is mine Dishi only mine, we also met in between." she said. 

"Yes and he told me that he didnt meet you, you threw yourself on him." I said. 

"And I thought that it was enough for you to divorce him." she said.

"He loves me and those pictures clearly state that." she said. 

"He said he doesnt." I said.

"And those pictures were wrongly clicked."I further went out to say. 

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