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Whatever happened yesterday made me furious, very furious, I felt like killing him down there itself. How dare he? I brought her home immediately after he was taken by the police and then did her first aid, she didnt speak anything, she just looked scared throughout and my heart went out to her. I felt really bad how I could not protect her, I told her that I will keep her safe from him but I could not. 

I was awake sitting on the sofa thinking about all this, I had made her to sleep on the bed yesterday and made sure that she just takes rest, because her leg was injured and she looked very weak as well. 

She started moving uncomfortably on the bed as the sun rays hit her face. She moved her head down the pillow but not on the bed but her head was hanging down, her antics are funny even when she is sleeping. I stood up and lifted her head and kept it on the pillow properly but when I was going to take my hand off, she turned and her head was on my hand and she put her hands and mines and clutched them and continued sleeping. 

I didnt want to take my hand off from there or else she would wake up and its just six so I dont want her to wake up because of what happened yesterday and she is very cranky in the morning. I let my had be there and sat down. She is just so pure, she speaks what she feels, does not fake her self, doesnt give a damn about who I am, all that matters to her is enjoying her life and doing as she pleases. I have also seen one thing, if she loves something or someone, she loves them with all her heart, just like she was still not able to believe that her sister could do something wrong, she is true to the one she loves unlike her sister. I genuinely feel that when maa, bhabhz, bhai, even Rahul and papa said that Dishi is the right one, they were right. 

I just sat there looking at her and didnt realize when I fell asleep. 

I woke up with a click sound. 

It was bhabhz, why is she talking pictures?

"Bhabhz? What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Arre you both are looking so cute, photo toh leni banti hain." she said and I looked next to me, Dishi was still sleeping on my hand and I slept like that only with my head on the bed, and the rest on the ground. 

"Yaar you also na bhabhz." I said. 

"What did I do? I cant help but click and adore a cute couple." She said. Couple?

I slowly took my hand off but Dishi got up with a jolt and yelled, "Pillow thief" and bhabhz started laughing and I face palmed. 

"How comfortable was the pillow?" bhabhz asked. 

"What?" I and Dishi asked again. 

"Arre I am asking Dishi, was the pillow comfy?" she asked. 

"Ya I mean it was hard but soft also, it was perfect. Who stole my pillow?" Dishi said. 

"It was your dear husband's hand, your personal pillow." bhabhz said. 

"What?" Dishi asked. 

"Ya its your free pillow." bhabhz said. 

"Bhabhz go." I said. 

"Lock your door next time then." bhabhz said and winked and left. 

"Umm bhabhz is mad." I said.

"No you are." Dishi said. 

"What did I do now?" I asked. 

"You met Minu di." she said and this shocked me. 

"I didnt meet her, she met me" I said. 

"How do you know but?" i asked shocked. 

"I told you before itself, that if you meet di ever and you still love and and want to get back to her then tell me, I will give you a divorce. Why would I want to force you into this relationship? Not like I love you. But you met her, without telling me, or any one infact, I saw the pictures of you two hugging at the airport. If you wanted to get back to her then you should have told me na, you would have been back to the one you love" she burst out all together. 

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