"Watch your fucking mouth!" He shouted back, making me get right in his face and ready up to drop him.

"David!" Her mom yelled, and he backed off slightly.

"I will throw you out of this room, don't fucking push me." I told him. He didn't understand how fast he'd hit the floor.

"Luke." Sophie called out to me, but I ignored her again. She wasn't about to put me on a leash. "Luke!" She sounded more urgent that time, so I glanced over to see her leaning over the bed.

"Mom?" Izzy's broken voice sounded, and I turned to see her mom hugging her as she sat there confused beyond belief. She looked at me, and I bolted to the other side of the bed as she pulled away from her mom.

"Hey baby." I said, pulling her into me as I sat on the edge. She melted into me as I held her, and I let a few tears of relief fall. "You're okay."

"What are they doing here?" She asked quietly, pulling away slightly so she could give me an uncomfortable look.

"I called them, Izz. We didn't know if you were going to wake up." Sophie cried, now replacing Izzy's mom on the other side of the bed. She grabbed her hand almost apologetically, I guess now realizing that it was a horrible idea to bring her parents here.

"I'm so sorry, Isabel, this is our fault." Her mom started crying again, using her dad as support.

"Yeah and you can leave." She snapped, catching all of us by surprise.

"Can we at least talk, please?" David asked, but if Izzy wanted them gone then I was going to get them out of here.

"She told you to go." I said, getting up and taking a couple steps closer to them. Even Ash and Mike rose from their seats to stand behind me.

"You don't have a say in this! This is our kid!" He shouted, shoving his finger into my chest. I pushed him back, but when he went to lunge at me Izzy lost it.

"Get out! Don't fucking touch him!" She screamed. She started pulling tubes out and took off her oxygen tube, and Sophie couldn't get her to stop.

"Izzy!" I shouted, trying to get her to sit back down.

"No! You can show up now, but you couldn't even wish me a happy birthday? For five fucking years?!" She screamed, shoving her dad toward the door.

"Isabel." Her dad went to take her hands, but she jolted them out of his reach.

"Fuck you! You don't get to play parent now! You weren't there when I needed you, and now I don't!" She started crying, and I went to hold her in my arms but she pushed me off too. "Get out! Leave!" Her screaming was only making her mom cry even harder, but they deserved every bit of this.

"Go!" I shouted, pointing at the door. I just wanted Izzy to calm down and get back in her bed. "Get a nurse, Sophie." I told her, and she pressed the button on the remote without hesitation.

"I don't need a nurse! I need you to get out of my sight!" She kept getting more and more riled up, and all I could think about was the doctor saying her heart was weak.

"Izzy, please lay back down." I pulled her face into my hands, begging her to stop this. She just shrugged out of my grasp and started pacing back and forth.

"Isabel, please just let us explain." Her mom reached out to her again, but that only made it worse. She was hysterical, breaking down right in front of us.

I didn't know if it was just her having a moment, or a full-blown panic attack. I just grabbed her and pulled her into my chest, not letting her escape as she cried into me. I felt her starting to relax, but that quickly went away when she started jolting around again. Her body went limp and I had to hold her up as she seized again.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now