"Tough." Jessica crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the demon.

Dean pushed Henry forward but the man didn't budge.

Jessica watched as Dean pulled out a gun.

"You can either do it standing. Or you can do it crawling. Your call."

Henry sighed heavily and began to walk forward. Sam did the same.

Once Sam got closer to Dean his brother whipped out a knife.

"Don't do this Dean, this is a bad idea."

"Shut your mouth. Let's go." Dean, Sam and Jessica walked towards the exit but the door slammed shut in front of their face. Abbadon had a smile on her lips.

"We had a deal!" Dean yelled as he pointed a finger at Abbadon. The woman laughed.

"Surprise. I lied." The demon forced her hand through Henry's side.

"Henry!" Sam shouted as he went forward but Dean held him back.

"Wait, wait."

Henry smiled with blood dripping from his lips.

"You're not the only one." He took out a gun and shot Abbadon underneath her chin. Her body sparked and glowed orange as her skeleton showed.

"Whew! What a blast!" Abbadon turned towards Henry. "Now give me the box."

She reached her hand into Henry's pocket and pulled out a deck of cards. The woman grew furious.


The lights began to spark and flicker.

"Okay," Abbadon calmed herself down. "We can do this the hard way."

Abbadon opened her mouth and black smoke came out. But it never went towards Henry. The woman's eyes widened and she shoved the man away from her

Sam ran to Henry's side.

Abbadon tried to walk forward but couldn't. She let out a loud scream.

"WHY AM I STUCK?!" the woman breathed heavily then calmed herself down again. She began to chuckle.

"You still didn't kill me."

"No, but you'll wish we did." Dean came up behind Abbadon and sliced off her head.

"That demon trap in your noggin is gonna keep you from smoking out. We're gonna cut you into little steaks and bury each strip under cement. You might not be dead but you'll wish you were."

Jessica ran over to Henry's side and held his hand in hers.

"We did it." Henry said groggily.

"Just hang on, I'm gonna fix you." Jessica's eyes glowed a pale blue but she cried out in pain. She growled in frustration and tried again. Only more pain came.

Dean came up to his wife and pulled her away from Henry. He looked the man in his eyes.

"No, you did it. For a bookworm, that wasn't bad, Henry."

Henry chuckled weakly. He looked towards Jessica and saw that her eyes were glassy.

"I'm sorry I judged you three so harshly for being hunters. I should have known better."

Sam shook his head in confusion. "About?"

"You're also Winchesters. As long as we're alive, there's always hope."

Sam and Dean looked at each other with sadness.

"I didn't know my son as a man," Henry reached out his hands for Sam and Dean to take (which they did). "Having met you two and Jessica... I know I would have been proud of him."

Henry let out one last breath and fell against Sam's chest. He was no longer alive.

Sam looked down in his hand and noticed that Henry had given him the box.

More tears spilled down Jessica's cheeks. She was absolutely tired of losing people. But then again, it comes with being a Winchester. You'll always lose someone you get too close to. Jessica was just worried she might lose Dean or Sam. And she wouldn't be able to live with that.

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