.28 medication

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He could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Have you ... medication?" Louis makes out Gigi saying.

"No ... painful," Louis hears Harry sob. Tears buildup in Louis' eyes. He sounds like he's in pain.

"I know ... but ... help you," Louis hears Gigi tell him.

"I'm worthless," Louis overhears Harry state bluntly.


Harry's anything but worthless.

"No we ... care for you," Louis perceives Gigi telling Harry.

"But ... no one loves me," Louis catches Harry saying.

"Nonsense... people... I do," Louis hears Gigi telling Harry.

"No... it's pity," Louis makes out Harry's cry afterward.

There are footsteps and then the door opens. Louis' eyes have already adjusted to the darkness and he sees Gigi looking around for him.

"Down here," Louis whispers. Gigi jumps and places her hand over her heart.

"Jeez Louis," Gigi says in a hushed whisper, "trying to kill me?"

"No. How's Harry?"

"He won't take the medication," Gigi whispers helping Louis off the ground.

Louis brushes himself off, "why?"

"Those injections, pills, and other stuff aren't painless, especially the stuff I want him to start taking," Gigi whispers.

"What's the stuff you want him to start taking?" Louis asks.

"He needs to start taking inhalable and transdermal medication," Gigi replies.


"He has to take inhalable medicine through a tube or mask and transdermal medicine through a patch on the skin."

"Isn't that a lot of medication?" Louis poses.

"With those medications plus the injections and pills he's supposed to be taking it may be a bit much, but nothing he can't handle."

"Are you sure he can take all that?" Louis questions.

"Yes, but right now he's refusing to take any medication," Gigi replies.

"How do we get him to take it?" Louis asks.



"Yes you, you're the only one who can convince him to take them," Gigi says.

"I'm not sure I can-"

"I'm sure you can just do it," Gigi whisper-yells.


"Louis," Gigi glares at him.

"Fine," Louis mumbles making Gigi clap softly. Louis opens the door slowly and sees Harry sitting on their bed with his hands in his hair, murmuring stuff to himself.

"Love?" Louis asks in a soft tone, slowly closing the door behind him. Harry looks up at Louis startled, eyes wide.

"Louis?" Harry asks, his voice breaking.

Louis nods, but then remembers it's dark and he might not be able to see him. "Yes it's me Harry," Louis assures softly.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, frightened.

"I want to talk to you," Louis says.

"Okay," Harry mutters.

Louis walks over to the bed and sits across from him. "I want you to tell me why you think I'd ever hurt you," Louis says.

"In the dream you did."

"That was a dream Harry, I've never hurt you before," Louis says sadly.

"I know it just looked so real Louis," Harry bangs his hands off the wood part of the bed, "it's so frustrating! I want it to all go away!"

Louis takes Harry's hands and interlaces them with his own. "You can't get better of you don't take your medication," Louis tells Harry.

"It hurts Louis! I have an injection for my panic attacks than a pill for my regular PTSD functions, then yet another pill for hallucinations! Now she wants to put me on more! I can't do it! I'm not strong enough!"

"You are stronger than any person I have ever met Harry, it's the hardest now, but it will get better," Louis assures.

"I don't think so," Harry mumbles.

"Well I do, and I'll be with you okay? I don't want you to ever doubt me again," Louis replies.

"I won't, it's just hard," Harry remarks.

Louis spins Harry around so that Harry's head his on Louis' chest. He wraps his arms around him and traces little shapes on Harry's stomach. "I promise I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you," Harry whispers.

"Will you take the new medicines?" Louis asked still tracing shapes on Harry.

"I don't know," Harry replies.

"Please? for me?" Louis asks.

"Okay," Harry answers, "for you."

"Thank you love, now go to sleep, we have a meeting tomorrow," Louis reminds Harry.

"Alright." Both boys lay down, and this time Harry wraps his arms around Louis. Louis waits a couple of minutes after Harry falls asleep, before whispering.

"You're too precious for this world."

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