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Louis was knocked unconscious by Lewis, Harry could tell because Louis still had a pulse. Harry sighs and gathers what was left of the things he had. Then he stares at Louis before picking him up.

He carries Louis bridal style and walks as fast as his legs could take him. He knows that soon the faces would be projected into the sky and when the careers didn't see Louis' face, they would come back to finish him off.

So that's what kept Harry motivated for the next hour of walking. That Louis would die if he didn't keep moving, it doesn't matter if your calves cramp up, you have to keep walking. Louis wasn't a heavy lad, but after an hour of carrying him, Harry's arms were numb.

Soon Harry finds himself under a rock ledge. He examines it carefully and notices a line of bushes in front of the bottom of the ledge. He sets Louis down carefully, and starts pushing the bushes out of the way.

Sure enough, Harry finds a small hole that leads to the inside of the rock ledge. Harry crawls in and looks around. It wasn't too small, it was actually the perfect size. So Harry decides that they were far enough away from the careers to camp there for the night.

Harry carefully pulls Louis and his belongings through the hole. He gets the sleeping bag out of his bookbag, and gently lays Louis inside of it. Other than that, Harry didn't know what else to do.

He was a natural healer, yeah, but Louis was almost beaten to death, he needed advanced medical care, not leaves.

Harry hears the music begin to play and he climbs at the edge of the hole and looks up at the sky. There was the face of Victoria, then of a District 10 girl, which Harry automatically knew was the one he killed.

"I'm so sorry," Harry whispers to the sky.

Then he sees the face of Willow. Harry smiles sadly. He was getting really attached to her, she was just wonderful. Then Harry sees Gemma in the sky, smiling down at him.

Gemma was dead.

Seeing her face in the sky was what made it so real. It felt like he had just dreamed about her death, rather than watching it play out in real life. It was too surreal, not having his big sister.

Harry remembers what he had told Katniss before the games started. That if Gemma died there would be no point in going on. But Harry felt the need to go on, to win even.

He wanted to make her death worth something.

Harry looks back up in the sky to see his sisters face fizzle out, fading from existence. The music stops, the arena around him showcasing an eerie silence. Harry notices that it has begun to snow, so he makes his way back into their hiding place.

There was no way that he would be able to sleep this night,so he decides to stay up and keep watch, just in case.

Hours pass by and Harry doesn't move, feeling numb inside. The tears just silently stream down his face while he tries to forget about Gemma. He tries to convince himself that it didn't really happen, that it was all just a bad dream.

But it wasn't.

One thing that he was glad about was the fact that Louis was alive, he just needs him to wake up soon. Harry needed clarification that Louis was okay and able bodied.

A few more hours pass by and soon the sun starts to rise. Louis' eyes flutter open and he stares at Harry. "What am I doing here?" Louis asks looking around slowly, noticing he was in a sleeping bag.

"Why does everything hurt?" Louis asks groaning.

"The careers decided you had too much of a heart to be a career," Harry states. Louis takes a few moments to understand what Harry said and to how to respond.

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