.03 allies

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The next day Harry goes and sits by Vivian at the berry and plant index station. "We didn't get to do much of this yesterday now did we?" Harry asks smiling. Vivian shakes her head no and pulls out a book called Plants That Heal.

"My mentor told me to stay away from you, you know," Vivian says looking at Harry, then back down to her book.

"Did he really?" Harry asks.

"She," Vivian corrects Harry, "and yes she did."

"Why?" Harry asks, leaning back.

"She said she saw you throwing knives yesterday, and that you were good," Vivian states, her eyes still on the book.

"Then shouldn't you want to align with me?" Harry asks. He thought about having Vivian as an ally, she seems to be a bright girl and just a fun person to have around. 

He knows that that was a horrible reason to want to align with someone. 'Because they're fun? Harry!' he can think of his sister and Katniss yelling at him. He just doesn't want to see her die is all. Maybe he and Gemma can help her get far.

"Yeah I thought so too, but it doesn't seem she trusts you, thinks you're going to be a career, " Vivian states.

"Well I want you as my ally, I don't want to be a career," Harry says to Vivian. Her eyes finally leave the book and fall on Harry.

"Me?" Vivian asks, her blue eyes getting wide once again.

"Yes you," Harry replies laughing. All of a sudden her big blue eyes start watering up. "I'm sorry I didn't know that you would get this emotional," Harry says, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"No it's just-" Vivian cuts herself off, moving her blond hair out of her face. "I just really need someone I can trust," she says.

"Me too."

And for the rest of the day, they study plants healing powers and poisonous berries. Despite finding Louis staring at him on occasions, he enjoys training. Harry really likes Vivian, and he can only hope that Gemma would like her too.

Coincidentally, at dinner that night Katniss brings up allies. "So it was your second day of training, I suppose you have some idea of who you want to be allied with, other than the two of you together."

"I do," Gemma says.

"I do as well," Harry says.

"Great, but I need to fill you in on some people who requested to be your allies, apparently you made a good impression," Katniss tells them.

"Wait, people requested to be our allies?" Harry asks, surprised.

"Yes," Katniss says quickly, "Louis Tomlinson, District Two."

"No," Harry flat out states. No way is he going to align with a career.

"Yeah I told him no off the bat, the whole situation felt wrong," Katniss admits.

"Why?" Gemma asks.

"Because normally mentors send a message, never in person," Katniss explains.

"So you told his mentor no?" Gemma questions.

"That's what makes the whole situation a lot weirder, it was Louis that came and asked," Katniss informs the two.

"What? Why?" Gemma presses. Everyone knows this isn't a normal thing to do, if you want to be someone's ally, you request it through your mentor, you don't come and ask the other mentor yourself.

"I'm not sure, but I think he was hiding the fact he wanted to be allied with you because his mentor was bound to say no," Katniss points out.

"Did he want both of us as allies?" Harry asks curiously.

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