Chapter 45 - Korriban

Start from the beginning

"We sneak in," Anakin replies, a look of mischief and determination dancing in his eyes. "But first, send in the battle droids with Artoo. They can work to take down the security system and prevent them from spotting our approach."

Rex turns, giving the orders, and the battle droids march away with Artoo rolling along behind them. Now, they wait. When the droids are in position, provided they can enter without a problem, then they will launch their attack. "General Kenobi," Cody's voice crackles through the comms. "We're on the planet, and we lost three men in the battle. Should we initiate the distraction plan?"

Anakin winces, sorrow filling him over the fallen men. "Wait for twenty minutes," Obi-Wan tells him. "The droids are not yet in position."

"Yes, sir," he replies.

Anakin slowly exhales. "This plan better work," he mutters. They'd stayed up late into the night working it out with the limited information they had. It was approximately close to none, actually. For the most part, they were relying on Dooku's guesses for how Sidious would have reacted and protected himself. As they wait, Anakin knows they all have one thought: please let this work. It's their only chance.

He goes over the plan again, checking and double checking for problems. They'd decided to send in the battle droids, which Anakin had carefully reprogrammed, to infiltrate, take down the security, and shut down the droids there. To aid in the intrusion, Cody and his men would launch an air attack, bombing parts of the Sith Temple and creating a distraction. Once the droids are in position, the Jedi – or Sith, rather – and remaining clones will approach on foot before launching their assault.

Everything seems completely sound, but he has no doubt that it will be extremely hard to succeed. Sidious isn't stupid, and he's bound to have set everything up as a trap. If they can reach him without excessive difficulty, then he's been waiting for them. Maybe, for once, things will go in their favor.


"Attack," Obi-Wan orders, and everyone tenses, watching as the fighters fly low overhead in formation, headed straight towards the Sith Temple on the horizon. Anakin lifts a pair of macrobinoculars, watching as they make an overhead pass, bombing a portion of the ruins, careful to avoid anything which will make entering impossible. The ground vibrates from the explosions, the Dark Side coiling around them. The sound fades away, and the landscape is completely silent once more.

"Let's go," Dooku murmurs finally. "We have a distance to cover in a limited window of time."

The silence is almost oppressive, the stress beginning to show on all of them. Even Anakin can't think of anything which could lighten the mood. The nearness of the Dark Side whispering to him, is a painful reminder of the power he'll have to use, because he has no delusion that he'll be able to avoid it. It doesn't matter anymore. He is not a Jedi. He's a Sith, and he will bring balance, even within himself. It's what he was always meant to do.

They walk for a couple hours before they reach the final ridge. "Artoo, what's the status?" asks Anakin in a hushed voice as they pause for a short break.

The whistles and beeps which come through are incomprehensible to everyone but him. "We are in position," Artoo tells him with altogether too much cheer. "I shut down the droid guards, but since the patrols are continuing as normal, no one has noticed the difference."

"Who is there?" Anakin demands, frowning.

"General Grievous," comes the reply. "And three others. The Sith."

"Oh," he breathes quietly. "We're coming, Artoo. Proceed as planned." Anakin exhales slowly before glancing at the others. "Grievous and the other three are there. Everything still seems to be on track," he reports. "We must hurry."

He picks up his pace, striding resolutely towards the back side of the Temple. Though he's shielded himself well, he has no doubt that Sidious knows they're coming. All they can do, is try to take the enemy by surprise.

"Spread out," instructs Obi-Wan, motioning, and the entire group fans out, approaching stealthily.

"We can enter over there," suggests Ahsoka, pointing in the direction of two battle droids which are "guarding" the back entrance. "I would suggest splitting up, but we already decided that wouldn't be the best idea."

Anakin shakes his head. "No. We need every last man we've got," he replies.

"I agree with her," Dooku adds after a moment of silence as everyone scans the area. "That would be the best option. We aren't as likely to run into resistance there."

Obi-Wan nods resolutely. "Alright. Let's go."

Anakin leads the group, which now includes Cody and most of his men – three stayed behind to provide air support if needed – to the back entrance. "Let us through," he orders the droids.

"Right away, General," the first one replies, stepping aside and opening the door.

"They're coming in, Commander," the second reports to Artoo.

No one talks as they walk into the Temple, footsteps echoing in the halls. The darkness in here is oppressive. It's strong enough to make Anakin feel physically ill, despite his strong mental shields. They've entered the lion's den with no way of knowing who will emerge alive. All he knows is that no matter the cost, Sidious must die, and his dreams for a Sith Empire with him.

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