Chapter 31 - Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Once that he's certain Anakin is under control, Obi-Wan turns to face the Council. "Will you reconsider?" he asks in a deceptively soft voice.

"We already made our decision," Windu answers for the majority. Obi-Wan sees Yoda's expression shift slightly. It's clear he's not happy with the recent turn of events, but being in the minority, he can't speak against the Council.

A low growl escapes Anakin. Whirling around, he storms out of the room, completely ignoring everyone. Obi-Wan watches him go, sighing quietly. This is really the end.

"Made a mistake we have," cautions Yoda after the door closes behind Anakin, "Helping him we are not. Hurting him more we are."

"That's what I've been telling you," Obi-Wan reminds them, making no move to return to his seat.

"The Council has made a decision. Can we just undo it?" demands Mundi, "If he can't even control himself, he shouldn't be in the Order anymore."

"He could take a meditative retreat," Obi-Wan interjects, "That's what Jedi do to help restore their balances." Anakin isn't the first, and he won't be the last. It's been happening more frequently, especially with the Clone Wars going on.

"We can't let him go," Windu speaks up, "If he leaves, he'll join the Sith."

Obi-Wan carefully neglects to mention that Anakin technically already joined them. Getting a Sith name seems to be the main induction into their Order.

"We already expelled him," Plo interjects, "We have no further control over him."

"And now I think it was a mistake," murmurs Windu, "It might be better to keep him in seclusion here in the Temple, so we can watch over him and ensure he doesn't turn to the Dark Side."

"You're going to imprison him?" demands Obi-Wan incredulously. This is going too far. He respects the Council members immensely, but they can't do something so detrimental to Anakin. They truly have lost their way if they think that will be best.

"I think that would be best," Windu replies pensively.

Obi-Wan narrows his eyes, "That's cruel." They can do to him what they want, but he will not let them do that to Anakin. He reaches out through the Force, activating his bond with Anakin even though he knows the Council members will know what he's doing. It's the only choice he has.

"Anakin, leave the Temple immediately. The Council is considering imprisoning you here. Leave. I know where to find you," he calls to him through their bond.

He feels a surge of fury from Anakin, but his response is fairly level. "I'm going, Master. Tell Ahsoka. She wants to come."

When Anakin pulls back from their bond, Obi-Wan lets their connection go. Anakin will be safe. That's what matters most. "You told him," Windu's voice is low, almost threatening.

"I saved him," Obi-Wan corrects coolly, holding the other Master's gaze fearlessly, "And I saved you too. I know him more than you ever will. What you're proposing wouldn't help him. It would destroy him."

"Correct Obi-Wan is," Yoda intercedes, casting an almost disapproving look at Windu.

"And now," continues Obi-Wan, "I renounce my title of Jedi Master and my position on the Council. I am leaving the Order."

He can almost feel a sense of tangible sadness in the Council. "Welcome you always will be," Yoda speaks staring earnestly at him, "If return you do, a seat you will still have on this Council." A murmur of agreement ripples through the room.

Obi-Wan glances around the room for what could be the final time. Bowing, he turns and leaves the room. They obviously didn't take his lightsaber. Doing so would serve no purpose since he could easily make another. As he walks out of the Council chambers, he gets the feeling that he will be back, possible sooner than he would expect.

Now to find Ahsoka. If Anakin didn't get a chance to tell her what happened, she needs to be informed. He also needs to pack his and Anakin's belongings from their apartment. He has no doubt that Padme would be willing to let him leave them at her apartment, especially since Anakin is her husband. He'd not expected the nature of their relationship, but he definitely knew it existed. Neither of them is as discreet as they should be.

"Master Obi-Wan," he hears Ahsoka's voice behind him. He stops, turning to face the Padawan as she rushes up to him. "What happened?"

He lets out a quiet sigh. "The Council expelled Anakin, so I have chosen to leave the Order with him. He has escaped the Temple and should be waiting at the meeting spot."

Her blue eyes widen with surprise. "You couldn't stop them?" When he shakes his head in the negative, she frowns, a determined expression appearing on her face. "I want to come with you. What the Council did is wrong. They shouldn't have expelled my master."

His lip quirk into a smile. "Then come along. I need to collect Anakin and my belongings from our apartment. You should do likewise. We'll stop at Senator Amidala's apartment to leave what we don't need, and then we'll meet up with Anakin."

"You'll let me come?" she asks hopefully.

Obi-Wan chuckles quietly, "Anakin – we – need all the help we can get. I wouldn't dream of leaving you behind if you want to come."

"Thank you," she replies sincerely, a bright smile on her face. When they reach the apartments, they part ways, each to collect what they'll need.

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