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kiera was standing in corner calmly watching over the whole dorm room, kids talking to each other with a smile on their face. seeing this kiera felt good but she was worried about miller and rome.

wait a damn minute.

kiera immediately jump from where she was standing and rush to find Clarke. Clarke sitting in casually in her bed using the art supplies provided by dante.

kiera jumped and sat on top of Clarke bed next to her and whispered "act normal". Clarke look at her in question "uhhh kiera I am acting normal"

kiera huffed and look at Clarke "you remember back at dropship before we fire the engines?" Clarke nodded and kiera continue explaining "anya jumped in dropship and so did the dondarrion boy I brought in. they both were alive. they came out of dropship with us and these people took them too. where the hell are they Clarke?"

"oh my god I forgot about anya" Clarke look at kiera and ran a hand through her hair in a very deshelled manner "what if these people killed them? they all seem to hate grounders"

kiera was really worried about elioud, he wasn't just any grounder. kiera exclaimed looking at her lap "I don't care about anya but elioud oh my god if something happen to him"

"what is so special about him kie?" Clarke was now interested in this elioud guy, there were few people in the world that kiera was worried about and this dondarrion gut seemed to be the one of those.

"Clarke elioud is not a common grounder, he is, ok its time I tell you" kiera said and Clarke look at her curiously "tell me what kiera"

"Clarke remember when Octavia was not to be found and bellamy lead a search party?"

"yes I do remember" Clarke nodded her head.

"well I was ambush by a grounder too, I was injuired and shit but somehow I killed him and escaped. I couldn't walk far enough and was lightheaded when I was again kidnapped by the grounder"

"oh my god cant you just stay put" Clarke dramatically hit kiera shoulder who glare at Clarke "shut up and listen. well this second grounder was kind of nice. he treated my injuries and gave me some liquid in bottle to drink"

"wait that was how you knew what vial to give to finn to stop his poison spread?" now Clarke was looking at kiera in awe.

"yeah but the point is that grounder that helped me was elioud dondarrion."

"I don't know what to say" Clarke scratched her head like a monkey.

"then don't. tell me Clarke you remember when you and finn were kidnapped by grounders to treat anya second"

"yeah what about that?"

"well Clarke when u didn't came back so I went out to search for you guys and I was kidnapped too by the grounders but there was this guy Nicklaus dondarrion he saved me from all the torture."

"niklaus dondarrion you mean Elioud brother." Clarke question and kiera shook her head with a nod "yeah but at that time I didn't knew he was elioud brother hell I didn't even knew elioud real name i thought his real name was xander."

"ok so?"

"well when elioud found me chained with his brother questioning me so he tell him to stop. they unchained me, took me to their tent and ask their very pretty sister to help me get in grounder dress. they help me escape and they elioud even promise that he will found you and finn and get you both safely to the camp."

"ok this dondarrion family seem nice but I don't know where are you going with this"

"yes but their was one thing about them. whenever they came to face with a grounder, the grounder would immediately kneel or bow down out of respect. you know what that mean?"

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