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kiera slowly made her way toward her companions, stumbling and putting weight on her good leg. she was pissed at herself not for being so uncaring about her injuries, she was pissed at her pitiful and painful existence.

dragging herself toward bellamy and Clarke she realized they both were indulged into some kind of discussion. she didn't knew what the topic was but heard the words 'I'm going myself' to 'you wont be alone'.

to make her known presence known kiera added her unwanted comment to their conversation "don't know what you both planning but if it includes at least 20% chance of survival then I am in"

Clarke looked at her with a 'what the hell is wrong with you' look and even though she couldn't see bellamy face she knew that he was rolling his eyes. "what! its a win win situation. if we make it out alive then a hell of an adventure and if I die than peace for eternity"

smiling kiera sat down on the metal chair next to bellamy and even though she tried to hide it, her grimace was evident. "you alright?" he asked but was completely ignored

"so what are we planning? a betrayal? a revolt? an uprising?" kiera was comfortably perched on her chair, rubbing her hands to fight the harsh cold. winter is coming at rad speed and she wonder if they could survive that.

"mount weather" it was just a single word that Clarke had spoke which made kiera good mood turned sour. turning the atmosphere heavy and conversation awkward. the five seconds were painfully silent until something caught Clarke's eye and she slightly looked past behind bellamy's head.

kiera didn't knew what she was seeing but seeing the unfamiliar look on Clarke's face she knew it wasn't something good. but she was too comfortable in her chair to turn around and see it. nowadays she barely had time to rest and now since she had a moment of peace before the upcoming chaos, she was trying her best to savor it.

however the curiosity got the best of bellamy and he turned around to see what Clarke was looking at. "guess the inquisition's over"

it was more of a statement. "How's Finn doing anyways?"

trying not to be a part of this unfruitful conversation kiera ignored them both and slid down a little in her chair. the metal was digging in her bony ass and spine resulting her spinal bone to be curved in a weird U shape causing her little tremors of pain down her body but the sky she was staring at was very beautiful.

it was filled with hundreds of stars, probably thousands. she wondered how she couldn't see them when she was up there. in that way she was more close to them. what if one day a passing star hit their ark and they all would have turned into ashes, floating through the space.

what if one of those stars suddenly hit Earth, I mean it did hit once and wiped down all the dinosaurs and other species.

she was absorbed in the sky and didn't notice the small glances send towards her but she surely did heard Clarke when she spoke "I haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't even know what to say" there was a pause and kiera thought Clarke was done speaking until she whispered again "he just kept shooting"

"we are at war Clarke. we all have done things" it was a way to make her feel better however it backfired when kiera decided to pitch in with "yea but we haven't killed innocent people." when she looked down from sky to her friends she was faced with annoyed looks "at least not yet"

she tried to make it better but Clarke sighed and look down at her feet and bellamy just stared at her. but before she could worsen the situation finn entered the picture and nodded at them "hey"

"hey" only bellamy replied though although got ignored. Finn was staring at Clarke who was very actively ignoring his stare.

"next round's on me" bellamy got up ready for kiera to join him but was welcomed with "have a nice time" as she decide to enjoy her sky. knowing there is no other easy way he huffed and dragged her out of her chair but her arm. "you are coming with me"

The Rogue ~ (bellamy blake the 100)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz