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After scaring the shit out of miller, kiera decided to find clarke and talk to her but then she saw clarke rush out of bellmay's tent with bellamy, octavia and jasper behind her.

Clarke rush towards murphy and hit him hard on his chest pushing him backward yelling "you bastard"

Murphy was shocked "whoa whats wrong princess"

"you tell me whats wrong murphy, whos knife is this?" yelled clarke and shove he knife in murphy face.

kiera saw the commotion and went towards clarke "hey clarke whats wrong?"

clarke showed kiera the knife which had initials of J.M "octavia amd jasper found this knife near wells finger which were separted from his body when he was murdered"

"so what does this mean?"

"what does this mean, kiera are you insane? This knife belongs to murphy so that means that he killed wells." yelled kiera

"Thats disgusting clarke, murphy is a pshychopath but he would never kill anyone" kiera said back trying to protect murphy.

"kiera you stay out of this" said bellamy stepping forward and holding her arm.

"dont you even fucking think about doing what you are about to" warned kiera and  turned around to face clarke to stop her but clarke ignored her and yelled.

"tell me why you killed wells?"

"i didnt do that, i have to tell you nothing, i dont have to answer anyone, noone"

"i didnt do that, i have to tell you nothing, i dont have to answer anyone, noone"

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But bellamy didnt like what murphy said so he stepped in "come again?"

"Bell"  kiera said and take a hold of bellamy arm  for wanting bellamy to stop acting like alpha male who for a second stop and look at her.

"bellamy you know what i mean, i didnt killed wells" replied murphy but clarke wasnt having it.

"Is this the kind of society you want to build. is this what you want, for us to kill each other and still roam around like nothing happen?" clarke being clarke yelled making sure that everyone hears it.

And so it happens what kiera was afraid of. Derek shouted "i say we float him"

After listening to what just derek said kiera turned around and face bellamy "you are the only one who can stop this. please." with tears in her eyes.

clarke freaked out after hearing what derek said and tried to stop him by saying " no that not what i mean"

But it was too late. derek yelled again "float him lets float him"

And everyone start chanting 'float him float him float him'

Murphy tried a run away and escape but a fucking asshole tripped him and thats when all hell bent.

Everyone kicked murphy down in mud, his face bruised and bleeding they tied a piece of cloth in his mouth, and dragged him towards the nearest tree.

They tied a rope on his neck and then on tree branch and put a stool under his feet.

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