Author's note (BLM) please read this

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i just wanna say that i love you all and holy shit thanks for almost 4k reads. i still remember how happy i was when my first chapter got 5 reads. i was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling. last time i saw the reads it were 700 something and now 3.7k. goodness i love you all.

another thing i wanted to say is that its 30 may 2020 and few days back a innocent 46 year old George Floyd lost his life because he forged a 20 dollar bill. he got chocked by a white policer officer who had a knee on his throat. George kept yelling 'I CANT BREATH' but no one listen to him. George was a father, a husband, brother, son and he died miserably.

a peaceful protest turned into chaos when the police leak tear gas and fired rubber bullet. rubber bullets are no joke, those hit the man at the back of his head and that man's head needed stiches. thankfully the doctors were also one of those who were protesting and they sewed that man up right in the middle of road.

riots are happening, stores are being looted, Minneapolis is being burned down, people are angry and so am i. i am not a black person(not a white either) but i am a human, George was a human. we may not be same colour but we all bleed the same red.

i don't know if we may be able to stop black people killing or get justice for George.

so i decided to put this in my author's note because days will pass, people will stop talking about it, George will probably get his justice but years later when people will read this than they will remember this event.

what if nothing happen like always, what if the protestors are forced to be silent.

people all over the world use Wattpad and will probably read this story, so know this BLACK LIVE FUCKING MATTER.

yes all lives matter but not all are being oppressed, because OPRESSERS CAN NOT BE OPRESSED.

not all are look upon like robbers when they left the store without a bag in hand (i buy stuff and shoved into my pockets or jacket. just because i don't have a bag doesn't mean i stole).

black people cant walk with their hoods on. why?

black people cant go jogging without being assumed that they are robbers and got shot. why?

black people even when innocent, they are afraid when police cars pass by. why?

black people are laid down with face on hot concrete, knees on throat, chocked to death just because they forged a 2o dollar bill. fucking why?

in 1921, a white woman said that a black man tried to assault her. no trial was done. no prove. no witness. nothing yet wall street was burned down and 300 people of black community was killed. WHY?

so if you have answer to these questions and if you believe in all live matter than fucking act like it because clearly to some people black lives don't matter.

because if they do than George Floyd would have been alive today. and


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