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Kiera spend the whole night looking at the roof of murphy tent while murphy was soundlessly sleeping next to her.

Whenever kiera close her eyes she saw Atom blisters covered face pleading for death while chocking on his own blood.

After whole night of terror, kiera had enough so she silently wakeup and stand.

She wear her boots and jacket and make her way out of the tent and towards the place where the drinking water was kept.

She drank some of water and then decided to visit jasper to see how better he was.

On her way there she bumped into wells, she thought that he was going to be rude and ignore her because of yesterday when she claimed that she killed atom but to her surprise he didnt.

"Hey good morning kiera"

"good morning wells" she repilied without looking at him.

But then look up when wells slowly hold her hands "wells what.."

"listen kiera i know we were not close on ark in last years but beside clark you were my bestfriend when we were kids until 10 so i know the guilty look in your eyes. "  kiera was staring at him happy that wells still think of kiera as his friend .

wells continued "i saw Atom's body.  I knew what you did was brave and i am not ashamed of you. if you ever need someone to talk to i will be right there"

Wells knew kiera would rather die with suffocation of her emotions than to let them out but he still felt like he should let her know that he will be there for her.

Kiera was beyond happy to heard what wells said to hin and she quickly pull him into hug.

Theu hugged and than wells away to his way and kiera to dropship with a little smile on his face.

On dropship she found monty working with the wristbands. she was going to ignore him to but he speak up "where are you going?"

"just going to check on jasper condition."

"oh okay but octavia is up there and well she is ready to kill you"

kiera was blankly staring at monty when he speak again "i am sure what you did had to be done"

"i dont know about that but i am sure that it had to be me"

kiera climbed onto second level of drooship to found jasper laying there with octavia peacefully sleeping in corner.

She moved towards jasper slowly making sure that octavia didnt wakeup and sat crosslegged infront of him.

Jasper opened his eyes and found a smiley kiera sitting there. "Oh so you smile, people used to spread rumors about how you 'The Rogue' was cursed to not smile"

"Do you want me to shove the stake back into you and i promise i wont miss your heart" kiera said with her eyebrow raising

"Sorry i forgetted that you hate to be called Rogue but i think its pretty cool"

"okay thats it wheres the bloody stake?" questioned kiera and jasper chuckled

octavia wakeup due to jasper laugh and when she saw kiera sitting there she was furious.

"Get out of here murderer" she yelled.

kiera was shocked but she control herself for jasper sake "no need to yell, i have perfect hearing"

"Didnt you listen me murderer, get out of here" Octavia moved forward and grip kiera wrist to try to drag her towards stairs. keyword:try.

But kiera snatched her wrist out of Octavia hand "shut the fuck up. yes i did kill Atom but i didnt find it pleasing, he was fucking begging me to kill him to end his suffering. hell Octavia he was chocking on his own blood while covered in blisters. I end his suffering because it was either me or your brother and for your information your big brother was shaking while holding a knife and was pale thinking about the fact that he has to end someone life and its okay if you cant look me in my eyes because i killed someone but let me tell you that it was a mercy kill"

The Rogue ~ (bellamy blake the 100)Where stories live. Discover now