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Kiera felt rough hands tapping on her face and a dreadful voice calling on her name. groaning she opened her eyes and immediately put a hand up to shield thek from harsh sunlight.

"Are you okay? kiera?"

kiera was laid down on the forest floor while crouched bellamy was staring down at her. "yeah i am alive" grunting kiera sat up on her butt and saw bellamy face right in her view . "can u please back up a little. your face is making me nauseous"

hearing this bellamy immediately got up on his feet, turning around he said to someone "she just insulted me, she is okay"

at this kiera titled her hea and saw octavia sitting next to unconcious body of Lincoln. she had very unphased and hazy look in her eyes so kiera refrained from any questions. still sitting on the ground she look at bellamy. "we can't take him to ark grounds. people will freak out"

octavia immediately look at kiera with a hateful look "we are not leaving him behind"

kiera didnt like that tone but she knew that octavia was hurting so she talked back but calmly "Octavia, we are not leaving anyone behind but we can't just take him to ark. he is a grounder and a reaper."

Hearing that octavia simmer down a little but still on edge she gripped lincoln hand and squeezed it tightly. kiera was looking at her wound on which someone had wrap around a piece of cloth to stop bleeding.

her guess was bellamy because octavia was too lost and in grieve right now. she was still inspecting her wound, poking a finger around the bruising while bellamy chipped "dropship! we can take him to dropship"

perking her head up kiera look at octavia and then at bellamy "all our people are at ark and all grounders also focused on ark. no one will suspect anything about dropship, sounds like a perfect plan"

soon lincoln's unconscious body was uplifted by his shoulders with the help of blake siblings who were having trouble to drag his body. it look painfully because lincoln was full on getting dragged, his feet hitting various stones.

kiera would have helped but her shoulder was still bleeding and her wounds have to be stitches. the wounds was deep and 4 cm long and hurt like a bitch.

they were walking toward ark when suddenly kiera bend down in front of blake sibling giving a good view of her ass and picked up a huge stone in her hand firmly. turning around she said "just a precaution in case he wakes up"

"hell NO! you are not hitting him in head with that boulder" octavia exclaimed horrifiedly while kierra just rolled her eyes "look at him octavia. he is ripped with muscle, a singular stone wont hurt him"

octavia mumbled something under her breath about lincoln's body and kiera knew it was something vulgar seeing the side glare bellamy gave his sister. after that they continue their trek towards drop ship.

it feel like forever but they finally reached the drop ship. bellamy and octavia rushed inside the dropship with lincoln to probably leash him with chains. leash, it felt like a bad word to use for lincoln but then again at the moment lincoln was no human but an animal and you put leash on animals.

looking around kiera take in the sight of dropship and her eyes brimmed with tears.

she saw a spot at the top of dropship where she would sit to have a over view of whole camp, and how everytime miller would found her and wave at her while passing by.

she saw the place where her and murphy tent was placed before he was exiled, all the nights she slept holding his hand and finding comfort in it.

looking left she saw the place where monty and jasper had their moonshine stand and how she got wasted on unity day. she saw a tree under which she would sit for hours and talk unfeverishly with romulus, her brother.

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