Chapter 25. Finally on top of things!

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When he heard the knocks on the door, the soft silent knocks, he was there instantly, yanking the door open. He had almost not believed the clerk downstairs when he'd said that Sam was in the foyer wanting to collect her stuff. So he was pacing frantically back and forth in his hallway, thinking thoughts that even surprised himself during the time it took for her to take the elevator up.

This time he was not gonna let her go, even if it meant that he would have to handcuff her to his bed. This time nothing was gonna prevent him from having her, to make her his own. A strong and raw emotion of covetousness emerged inside of him and he would be damned if he would let any other man ever cast an eye at her.

"Sammie,"his husky voice rumbled as he faced her in the doorway. He had deliberately put on a tight white t-shirt and a pair of worn out jeans that he knew was in favor for his body, in hope that it would make a difference.

Sam swallowed as she laid her eyes at him, his sexy body wrapped up in clothes that made it look even more delicious. That rat knew that he was so hot. Damn him!

"Mike." she replied, not moving an inch. Memories from the morning came crashing down on her, making her heart rush and her blood pump. But the next second memories of Mike and Nicole also appeared and she felt her heart break into thousands of pieces. With a suppressed sigh she turned her gaze down to the floor.

Mike stepped aside to let her in, all the time fixing his eyes at her, feasting on the vision in front of him.

Sam made no effort to move and she tilted her head with a smirk on her face."Will you just get my stuff Mike, so I can leave?"

Mike shook his head as he held the door and a growl formed low in his throat.

"Just get inside, damn it woman!" he ordered, pinning his blue eyes at hers."Where the hell have you been?"

Knowing it would be highly unwise to step into the apartment, her good senses told her not to, but her heart told her yes, she cautiously stepped into the hallway all the time feeling his burning gaze.

"Out!" she snapped shortly, giving him an defiant look as she stopped, making sure there was more than enough space between them.

Mike snorted. "Out, huh? That much I figured out myself. But why, Sammie?" he reached his arms out to grab her, getting surprised as she quickly backed away from him. Mike stared at her with questioning eyes, shaking his head slightly.

A smirk was yet again pasted on Sammie's face, and this one originated from hurt.

"Well to tell you the truth, I have very little desire or none to be exact, to see you and Nicole cuddle in front of the camera, so I decided to get me some fresh air instead," she paused and was about to continue when Mike roared.

"CUDDLE?" he thundered and moved towards her, making her back her way further into the apartment."Are you insane? I did not cudd..." he cut himself off as a thought hit him while he still stalked her further inside making her back even more, and a big, smug grin spread in his bristled and handsome face, "Aww are jealous."

"I am certainly NOT!" she replied a little too fast for it to be credible. Then she stopped and made huge eyes when she realized just where she ended up.

AW DRAT! The bedroom. With the king sized bed.

Her eyes scanned the room. Her bag wasn't there.

"Where is my bag, Mike?" she asked with a hint of impatience, trying to change the subject. She saw the gleam in his eyes as she said it and felt warm tingles travel all the way up and down her spine."Don't make this any harder than it already is, okay. Just give me my damn bag."

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